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Ted, NOBODY here takes you seriously. You are a joke. You DO beg for peppers, you are a narcissistic idiot, entering a battle of whit, but the main problem is, that you are unarmed. There are several "Reviewers" that have my utmost respect on this site, you however are not one of those. I cant WAIT to see you on Tosh O, maybe then after he rails on how STUPID you really are, you might listen to what people are trying to tell you. Have a good 'en

If you want to watch videos that people respect, they are the videos from Paul, or Neil, etc... Where they actually TALK about the pepper/product, give you insight on what is going on, other than your "I cant swallow my saliva" routine....
Spitting in gross dude. Just fyi

I've posted before that i found Ted's schtick entertaining - but make no mistake, i never for a second considered what he was doing "reviewing" peppers or product. Heat is the only thing he ever mentions - kind of a one trick pony.

I actually thought those two new guys who posted the clips recently did a better job as a reviewers since they discussed flavor, how the heat built, where they felt the heat, and how the peppers compared to each other.

That Ted posted his ridiculously pointless "10 peppers in 10 mins" on both the Lounge & Fun forums seems like the ultimate proof of attention seeking. When I saw it on one forum I watched out of morbid curiosity (and of course encouraged him as I would encourage any thrillseeker for the possibility of upping the ante to see him crash & burn from the comfort of my own home). But yeah - when 5 mins later Ted posted it to the Lounge too? I thought, "wow, really? One wasn't enough to get you enough attention?". - I nearly posted that but i'm relatively new here & I figured the mods would kill the duplicate.

Based on that alone I'm with the majority. Ted, you're a side show act, seeking attention and not a "reviewer".

I'd recommend watching/reading some of the reviews on the Review forum. Even the amateur reviews are far more layered & detailed than anything you've done. You don't offer insight to flavor or complexity, nor do you compare peppers or products much less provide any sort of ratings scale for comparison. No, you turn pink for the camera while doing stupid & pointless things that to be fair most of us would never do. But that's only because most of us have the good sense not to. We love peppers for growing, eating & sauce-making. You seem to have no love for peppers, just a love of attention.

I advise you to check those other reviews/videos. I have low expectations, as they say incompetent people cannot understand that they're incompetent. Honestly I didn't have a side in this until you called yourself a reviewer. That did it - you should immediately rescind that statement, it's insulting to those at THP who work hard to evaluate peppers & products.
Hey please keep sharing and watching my videos lol
Thank you for your positive criticism.
You all can think what you want. I'm here to stay and I will keep doing what I'm doing and your negativity just makes me laugh
Patrick, I know you and I generally don't see eye-to-eye on most things and we have had our fair share of head butting, but I have to completely agree with you on what you said. It is sad that someone like Ted is becoming associated with the chilehead community and not the show "Jackass."

P.S. MGOLD, I wanted to like your comment too but I must have hit my daily limit :banghead:
He does sort of remind me of the show jackass, given his shoe and a1 comment.

The comment he made about following that reviewer around everywhere he posts just sort of shows how lacking this guy is in maturity. I would take a guess that his EQ is quite low.
This has turned into a lynch mob. Respect others' opinions and styles please. Not sure what is going on in this topic, or why someone cares about what someone else does but once it turns into hate with attacks and user polls I must step in. Topic closed.

THP welcomes all, and I think you guys can respect that. Just because we don't ban people because of their reviewing styles (seriously??) doesn't mean you can run them off the site.

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