There are a couple different forms of leaf miners.
One comes from a moth and can be controled with a bio control-Caterpillar Killer.
The other is from a beatle that caterpillar killer won't harm.
Leafminers are around only when it's warm enough for them.
This year I had the one from beatles.
I had leaves that were totaly eaten by them.
You could see the beatles all over the plants.
Damage got so bad in Aug. that I had sticks for plants.
Lacewings,Ladybugs and mantis finnaly ate the adults and eggs and got things under control.
Neem and soap spray were useless in my opinion.
I don't use poison on my plants,it took too long to get my bennificial bugs established to come back every year.
I have a resident population of wasps(parasitic),calcid flies,mantis,ladybug and green lacewings.
Took 3 yrs.+ of spending way too much $$$ for eggs etc. but for a couple years now I've only had a few bug problems.
This was a first for leaf miners.