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Worms in my leaves!!???

What the heck is going on with my leaves? I noticed these worm type deals spreading real quick. Are they bugs? Disease? I'm scared, someone hold me!!! What do I need to do? More nutes, less nutes, cut the leaves off? Here's what it looks like:



Please tell me I'll be ok. Thanks!
ARGH! I have been noticing tiny flies chillin' out on my plants. Damn those buggers! Anyone else had the same problem? Need help with solution. Thanks for pointing me in the right direction orange.
Yep looks like leafminer damage when you compare it to the link orange hero posted. There is a solution in the link as well

Leafminer Control: Pick off and destroy infested leaves in small growing areas. Maintain plant health with organic fertilizers and proper watering to allow plants to outgrow and tolerate pest damage. The parasitic wasp Diglyphus isaea is a commercially available beneficial insect that will kill leafminer larva in the mine. Use yellow sticky traps to catch egg laying adults. Cover soil under infested plants with plastic mulches to prevent larvae from reaching the ground and pupating. Neem oil and Indoor/Outdoor IGR break the pests' life-cycle by preventing larva from reaching maturity. Neem oil may also have repellent qualities and interfere with egg laying activities. Botanical insecticides can be used to knock down adult insects but have little effect on the protected larval stage feeding inside the leaf.
I just went out and pulled that leaf to take a closer look. I split the leaves where the damage was and dag nabbit i found me a larvae! LITTLE PUNKS!!!!!!!! I squished that bastage with a vengeance and proceeded to pull out and squish the others. From there i went to the other leaves with these suckers in em and firmly squeezed with my thumb and forefinger and I could feel a little pop. MUHAHAH. :hell:

I'm gonna try to find some sticky tape to trap the egg laying adults. I also brushed off any semblance of eggs and squeezed the rest of my leaves to make sure. Just gonna keep an eye out and see if my efforts are controlling these bugs. If not, it'll call for all out WAR.
Hello to another member from Orange County. I have leafminer damage on a citrus tree and some peppers from time to time. It's never been very bad. I'd say just pick the leaves when you see them and don't worry to much about it. Aphids, hornworms, slugs and mites seem to be much more damaging.
Hey there Zander! In good ole Mission Viejo here. Yeah, I read up a bit more and I guess it's not that big of a problem, and the stress on the plant may make my peppers even hotter too? I just don't like the unsightly wormage look on my babies. I could put a lime tree next to the chillies to entice the buggers away I suppose... lol
There are a couple different forms of leaf miners.
One comes from a moth and can be controled with a bio control-Caterpillar Killer.

The other is from a beatle that caterpillar killer won't harm.
Leafminers are around only when it's warm enough for them.
This year I had the one from beatles.
I had leaves that were totaly eaten by them.
You could see the beatles all over the plants.
Damage got so bad in Aug. that I had sticks for plants.
Lacewings,Ladybugs and mantis finnaly ate the adults and eggs and got things under control.
Neem and soap spray were useless in my opinion.
I don't use poison on my plants,it took too long to get my bennificial bugs established to come back every year.
I have a resident population of wasps(parasitic),calcid flies,mantis,ladybug and green lacewings.
Took 3 yrs.+ of spending way too much $$$ for eggs etc. but for a couple years now I've only had a few bug problems.
This was a first for leaf miners.
woah. That sounds hardcore man. These guys were not beetles from what I could tell, and it doesn't seem like I should have too many probs. If I do, I'll go out and get a bug army and unleash the fury!
I think that most leaf miners are from moths-something like 3 or 4 kinds.
Easily controled.They won't lay eggs in a leaf thats already got a larva in it-so I've read.
The beatles though lay eggs wherever they feel like it.They can really mess up a lot of leaves/harm a plant big time.

I think that since I have controls for so many bugs that are harmful to my plants on a normal/regular basis that the stuff I don't have controls for get free reign on my plants since there isn't any competition.
Either way,leaf minors only do their thing when it's warm enough.
They were really abundant during July until early sept.
Basicaly dormant or dead now.

They really seem to prefere specific plants more than others for some reason.
Usually the ones you only had 1 seed for , something you really like. LOL
Cool. Hope they go away and stay away.

Murphy's law applies in chili plants too! Luckily I have quite a few plants, and they're for experimentation purposes for now anyway. So I'm ok with having a few things thrown at me so I can learn.

Thanks for posting Smoke.