worst valentine giveaway

I will start.

Years ago, I decided to take my high school sweetheart turned fiance to Baltimore's Inner Harbor for a Dinner Cruise. We had a nice time until it was time to go. Turns out we stayed a bit long, and missed the last light rail out of the city. We walked through the hood looking for a bus stop, passing homeless by barrels with fire in them, prostitutes, crackheads and dealers. Finally, after an hour and a half in the freezing cold, nearing 1am I decided we needed to get to a main road and find a cab. My lady wearing heels with soaken feet from the puddles and slush was crying by this point. Finally we caught a cab and took the 30 mile ride back to our car at the light rail station. $100-something later we were safely in my car. Another hour later we were home. We ended up not getting married. Not sure if this night had any bearing on that, but I am sure it didn't help.
A guy I wasn't remotely interested in gave me a diamond ring and tried to convince me it was a friendship ring...... yes, on valentine's day, and no, I didn't accept it, but how akward....
I will start.

Years ago, I decided to take my high school sweetheart turned fiance to Baltimore's Inner Harbor for a Dinner Cruise. We had a nice time until it was time to go. Turns out we stayed a bit long, and missed the last light rail out of the city. We walked through the hood looking for a bus stop, passing homeless by barrels with fire in them, prostitutes, crackheads and dealers. Finally, after an hour and a half in the freezing cold, nearing 1am I decided we needed to get to a main road and find a cab. My lady wearing heels with soaken feet from the puddles and slush was crying by this point. Finally we caught a cab and took the 30 mile ride back to our car at the light rail station. $100-something later we were safely in my car. Another hour later we were home. We ended up not getting married. Not sure if this night had any bearing on that, but I am sure it didn't help.

I love Baltimore... Eat Bertha's Mussels and Go Ravens!
I will start.

Years ago, I decided to take my high school sweetheart turned fiance to Baltimore's Inner Harbor for a Dinner Cruise. We had a nice time until it was time to go. Turns out we stayed a bit long, and missed the last light rail out of the city. We walked through the hood looking for a bus stop, passing homeless by barrels with fire in them, prostitutes, crackheads and dealers. Finally, after an hour and a half in the freezing cold, nearing 1am I decided we needed to get to a main road and find a cab. My lady wearing heels with soaken feet from the puddles and slush was crying by this point. Finally we caught a cab and took the 30 mile ride back to our car at the light rail station. $100-something later we were safely in my car. Another hour later we were home. We ended up not getting married. Not sure if this night had any bearing on that, but I am sure it didn't help.

A guy I wasn't remotely interested in gave me a diamond ring and tried to convince me it was a friendship ring...... yes, on valentine's day, and no, I didn't accept it, but how akward....
very akward....and creepy!
[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]passing homeless by barrels with fire in them, prostitutes, crackheads and dealers.[/background]

come on.... there is no way i can feel for you toss in some drunken indians and street kids and that is my wife's normal walk to work downtown Calgary, Alberta, Canada.
i hope we get some more horror stories,or looks like the first three will win. maybe you 3 are the only ones that ever had a bad valentines,hehe.
My big dog would lay under the plum tree and eat the sugar sweet plums, pits and all. Turns out the pits contain arsenic or something like that. The 2 days before Valentine's Day was the weekend, and the vet clinic was closed. He would crawl off the deck and under a bush, late at night in below freezing temps. I'd haul him out and back into the house. I had to put him to sleep on Valentines Day and bury the 100# yellow lab in the frozen field, by myself. Actually, I did have the 2 year-old with me, but he wasn't much help.... :cry:
.. that made me tear up. :(

Thanks, Meg, made me tear up too just thinking about it. He was only 4 years old and the happiest dog ever.

I bet Siccy wasn't expecting sad pet stories. :lol:
Last year for Valentines day I forgot...It was also our anniversary...I forgot. Had dinner with a buddy, she waited a week to yell at me.
Dude! so you are having dinner with a "buddy" on valentines which also is your anniversary?i dont even know where to start on this one? :rofl: