wanted WTB wild varieties... Lanceolatum..Parvifolium..etc

I know this is a hail mary. I swore I would not by seeds again but this is where I want to dedicate part of my next seasons grow. Looking to trade but willing to pay $$$ for any of these varieties or other wilds not listed. I will pay a fair amount if the species is rare enough and you are a legitimate member here.
Cap 1144
Cap 503
PI 1441654
Ive got a few that I will throw your way John. I have a couple not on your list as well, I will just add them to what I owe you :P

Sent you a PM
Pepperlover (active on here) and Junglerain have some but not all of them. They would probably be the friendly people to contact. Pepperlover is in UK and Junglerain is an Aussie.

They trade them at http://www.wildchilli.eu/ - i found them snobby. I am an Architect so i am so over that game of false exclusiveness and inflated prices....good luck to you maybe you will have a better experience than me.
Pepperlover is USA i'm sure? but she is perfect to deal with, shes very through and honest and her seeds are not that expensive
Yes .. Pepperlover is excellent option, but does not have many wild varieties to trade.
Junglerain has some too, but not many.

The member WildChilli not trade your seeds.....are greedy

Maybe there is a good heart and brings us good news about these varieties

No. .. no .... the problem still continues ...... srsrsr
The Noble Friend is being generous with this auction.
We appreciate the opportunity to have some of these in our backyard