• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Wunder's 2010 Log

Intended to have everything sorted out and germinating in early January, actually got seeds in dirt on 2nd of March. Was out of town a few times, drinking sessions and waiting for seeds.
So Im kicking myself for being behind schedule, but its only two months, never mind, crack on.

Wanted a range of heat, flavours and colours.
Decided to grow a representative from each type of chilli, and a couple of ornamentals.

Serrano Tamaqueno
Baccatums :
Aji Norteno
Rocoto Yellow
Safi scotch Bonnet
Dorset naga
Hot Purrira Yellow

The seed company sent me some Ring Of Fire seeds free also.

For germination I leave them in some warm water in the airing cupboard overnight.
Then I use the paper towel in zip lock bags method, I fashioned a little water bath as i found that kept the temps close to 29C a lot better.


Once germinated they go in this prop, the dirt is West+ with a vermiculite and perlite mix. Lives on the windowsill in daylight, in the light box at night.
I liked how I can transplant the seedlings in little individual plugs and that it is bottom watered. Not sure I'd recommend it now, but its OK.
There is about two weeks difference between the two pics:


I was not to happy with the way things were going, so I tried some of these pellet type things as well as my other method, seems like they work OK.

The light box is a basic storage tub from a super market, has a computer fan for ventilation and is lined with Mylar.
The light is a 65W, 6400K daylight CFL. Being an energy saver it gives off the equivalent of 325W.


Im not too impressed with the Mylar, its supposed to be 99% reflective, then how come light penetrates it?
Its really bright inside, but I thought no light should leak through it.


Thought this little device was cool, less than £4 from Wilkinsons:

Last year I had Numex Twilight, Krakatoa, Cheyenne and Chezno, here they are overwintered and seeming to like the spring light. I forgot to label them when I cut them, so I dont know which is which!


I used seeds from those plants around August....and thats where my chilli growing odyssey began, its all their fault!


So, of the original seeds I bought I started off 4 of each, this is how many are in the prop with green leaves:
4x Scotch Bonnets
1x Serrano
1x Fatalii (very tiny and slow)
1x Purrira
1x Aji Norteno
3x Ring Of Fire

I wasnt happy with this, so I started some more (Really wanted Jalapenos and a few super hots). I had some more seeds from swapping and a pass the parcel. Even though its late in the year, I started a few of each off, some in the paper towel, some in pellets.
So far Bhut Jolokia, Dorset Naga, 4x Jalapeno, 3x Boliv Rainbow have sprouted.
There are about 10 other varieties im still waiting on.
My disappointment has me going at it like a bull in a china shop.

Thats my log so far! Hope it wasnt too boring if you actually read the lot.
All my information has come from a DeWitt and Bosland book and a few forums like this I frequent, so thanks for that it has been really helpfull and informative.
Any input, suggestions or whatever are gratefully received.

Oh, aside from the bought seeds, my total expenditure was less than £50, which i thought was pretty good.

You need thicker mylar or you need to apply it to an opaque wall or base.
Are your Hot Purrira Yellow the same as normal puriras(multicolor) or something different?
My Ring Of Fires are now touching the lid of the prop, few others are due to soon. So its time to pot up!
Thought id post my intentions and mine some tips.

Im going to use plastic cups from a coffee machine, I like the fact that they are clear so I will be able to see the roots.
Gonna stab six or so holes in the bottom and intend to bottom water, so maybe a couple in the side near the bottom?
I hear its no good to put vermiculite, perilite or gravel in the bottom?

Ill be using a compost, vermiculite and perlite mix, roughly 4:1:1. Ill moisten this with warm water.
My seedlings will pop out in little plugs, so ill burrow out a slot for the plug with my finger.
I wanna plant as deep as I can get to the first set of leaves, there are root nubs growing out of the stem already.

Ill cover the top of the soil with vermiculite or perlite...or a mix of both.
Sound about right?

Ill get some pics up tomorrow....
Here is the progress about 40 days after planting, some of them are leaning all over the place, may resort to a cocktail stick splint if need be, but all will be potted up in the next 2 weeks I reckon.

In there are:
6x Serrano, 3x Jalapeño, 3x Chezno, 4x Red Pyramid, 4x Numex Twilight,
4x Scotch Bonnet, 3x Aji Norteno, 3x Ring Of Fire, 2x Purrira, 4x Peperoncini, 1x Fatalii.

I have somesuper hots in pellet type things doing OK.
My Roccotos and Hungarian hot Wax Just wont germinate no matter what method i try



I like the way they just pop out like this in little plugs.


The soil is still moist and I fear it will fall apart as i lift them out, so ill wait until they have dried out a bit before I repot.
Ive put the prop in the microwave for 10 mins on a low setting to speed that along.
Got some yellowing leaves on one of my older plants, any suggestion on what that is about?
Treated the same as the rest and they have no yellowing.


Can anyone shed some light on the Epsom salts thing?
I know its a feed of magnesium, but when is it needed, when I fertilise with NPK?

Is quite handy leaving a log online, easier than writing one by hand.
Thanks again.

WTF is going on here?!
Its not present in the pic above, taken just 24 hours ago.


Looks like the yellowy bits are going crispy and ready to drop off. That is like a quarter of there proper leaves right there, can't be good.
Only things i can think of is they have been getting nigh on 24/7 light, lamp at night, windowsill by day.
They have been kinda moist, condensation inside the prop.
They are kinda leggy in that they have root nubs coming from the stem.

I am potting them up today, im just waiting for the soil to dry a bit out as mentioned above.
(btw, I was never putting them in the microwave, cant believe there was no torrent of "STOP!")
Hmm, they were outside in direct sun for around 6 hours today?
They are rarely out there but this morning was really bright so thought id make the most of it. Seedlings especially vulnerable to sun then?
Yep, scorched by the sun definitely. I knew it was a burn of some type, but you hadn't mentioned the outdoor exposure. :lol:

You need to gradually introduce the new plants to the outdoor environment (harden off).
Ahh, I didnt think the April sun in the UK was to be feared. They have been in the same sun but on the windowsill, was a bright day today though.
Well at least I know what it is now, thanks for that guys, never considered that. That is the prognosis? Do they recover or just drop off?
Some of those badly burned leaves are done for and yes they will drop off, but if I were you I'd go ahead and remove the worst ones now and let the plant devote energy into producing more efficient solar panels.
Just a customary update and a few questions....

Popped them out of the prop and into small pots a couple of weeks ago. Liked how they popped out of that prop in little plugs.


Balcony in the daytime.....

Growbox after sunset.

These Scotch Bonnets were planted at exactly the same time and have been treated the same. Is the size difference down to genetics? I have a few plants with similar size differences.
