I love heat and to protect my stomach, I use the extreme sauces a LOT.
Follow me here--- When using something mild like Original Death, I can use 1/2 a bottle in a meal. That's a lot of 'pepper' in the stomach. When I use Jersey Death, a few drops will do, maybe 1'2 teaspoon in a serving will give plenty of heat and flavor, but not a lot of 'pepper' in the gut.
People ask how I can tolerate 1Million and above. I only need some on atoothpick to get a thrill. All the heat is in the mouth, throat and head, but you can feel it circulate clear to the toes! BUT, it WON'T bother the stomach. I don't get the same heat, or even close to it, when eating a whole large hab, but my stomach roils for 10 to 20 minutes!
THink about it. I'm sure some here can elaborate on this theme.