Xtreme Gardening

Today in the morning I got a package from UPS, as I opened it I got one of the best Surprises ever, I Got a Free Kit of Xtreme Package I had already forgot I was 1 in many that got this, I am extited because it comes with 1 of everything incuding Root Hormone and I mean alot of it, just what i need to make my roots expand, I believe everything is Organic and the best, comes with fertilizers to brew compost tea, I even got a Free Huge Sticker from them lol well some stuff i dont know how to use or what is for, but i hope to learn more with this,
yea the Facebook thing, I heard you can still get em, and they said that they do em once in a while like give aways, just the AZos is worth 30bucks alone, the azos is a root hormone theres fertilizer foliage sprayer and other things i don't know what they are, but if i read the labels maybe learn what it is, the xbox came with my expensive xbox, maybe i should of bought plant stuff with that money lol
You are so lucky to get all that for free. I had gotton some samples from my hydro store of the azos, mykos wp, and cal carb the exact size of the little ones you have. Looks like you got enough to actually run some experiments though. I would really like to see if they really make a difference. I guess I just will have to buy some to find out.
Yea, Well this is my first Year growing so I wont know much difference sinse i will be using it with all my plants, I hope they do great, and Dont just sign up, i saw someone that asked if they can preorder a give away package and the person that runs XtremeGardenings Facebook had said that he could, so maybe if you look into it, or ask they can send you one too, im glad i got one, i wish I can share as for some stuff I wont use or just dont know how, like the Tea, I know I wont Use, Just dont have the other materials to do it, but I really wont use it.
yea same here, that would be awesome if they sent a package.. *fingers crossed*

Under the cloning wars Clonex vs Azos post they have the code "Xtreme Care Package" .. so that is what I did.. so who knows.. that would be crazy if they did that..and if it works as good as they say it does.. then that is pretty crazy

and I just think it's funny that they grow giant pumpkins lol
yea that video they post is pretty crazy

just got an email from them yesterday saying I should be expecting a package sometime soon, can't wait, it's funny because I didn't want to wait and just ordered some Azos and Mykos from amazon and used them when I potted up 60 of my plants last night, but having more will be awesome, now I don't need to worry as much about using it.. will be really cool to see the difference.
How's all this working out for ya? I'm pretty interested in trying the azos and mycos in combination with my neptunes harvest. I wanna make my dad eat his words that synthetic ferts are the best for yield, my organic garden had more flavor than his now it's time to unleash our soil.
I belive its Organic, but i might be wrong, Well the Mykos is probably the best thing I can think of any money been spent, I used it aroundt he roots and the plants just dont grow better but the roots get super huge within a week or two, the Azos ive only used it on transplants or cuttings and it helps the plant stay alive, doesnt let the plant get transplant shock, its an actual good product, i would really recommend it
Super glad to hear that, just ordered some up! ... Kinda interested in trying it on a few flowering plants too just to see the difference.
yeah, I got a free package from them, for signing up, it took like 2 months or a little more before I got it, just needed to email them, but I had bought some Mykos and Azos before (not directly from them because the prices are a little cheaper from Amazon or some where else like that) but that stuff is great, the Azos I have noticed, and it says this on the bag, that you should use it up until you start to flower.. and I think I had some flower drop because I was putting a little bit in the water when I watered the plants, as a root soak, but it's great

I have also used the azos to help clone tomato plants, and so far it works awesome, roots popped out of the bottom of solo cups within a week about, and are growing super fast, my mom had broken off a stem of one of the big tomato plants, so I just cut it up and took all the big leaves off, and made sure I cut it at the nodes where roots can grow, and put some azos on it, and stuck it into seed starting soil.. and now there are 3 more clones of that plant lol..

and the Mykos as said before, really make the roots big pretty fast, really nice and "bushy" kinda, and I have used it in the 1gallon pots and haven't checked those yet, will when I put them into ground, I also used them an all of the younger plants i have, and even was able to get a tray of seeds started with mykos mixed into the soil, and the seedlings actually were only a week behind for transplant than another tray that I didn't have mykos in.. and the older tray was.. I think about 3 weeks ahead of the other one, so it took off about 2 weeks I think.. pretty cool stuff

but like I said, buy it from amazon or something, because the prices are slightly cheaper and it's the same product, and I don't worry about the application amounts that they have on the bags, because bacteria (azos) and the fungi (the mykos) should/will grow, the mykos just needs to be in contact with the roots to kind of "bind", and the azos you can always just put a tablespoon scoop into a 5gallon bucket every time you water until they start with the flowers if you feel like it, the stuff lasts a while.

and last thing, in the care package they sent the sample super tea or whatever they call it, and I just have that stuff bubbling in one of those big water jugs and mix about 1/2 water and 1/2 that into a 5 gallon bucket and then just fill the jug up again and let them grow more.. seems to be helping a little.. definitely doesn't hurt lol, and I just plan on keeping the same "stock" of the tea, since the microbes and stuff should really be multiplying in there all the time as long as there is oxygen, and I throw in a teaspoon of sugar every once and a while just for kicks lol, I figure they should eat it up pretty fast

and I got the Cal-Carb spray stuff instead of the bag with the tomato picture on it, I used it once, seems fine, but I have Cal-Mag already, and it's kind of a pain to spray in the tent and get under the leaves, so I will wait until they are outside before actually using that stuff more

and yes it is organic
I belive its Organic, but i might be wrong, Well the Mykos is probably the best thing I can think of any money been spent, I used it aroundt he roots and the plants just dont grow better but the roots get super huge within a week or two, the Azos ive only used it on transplants or cuttings and it helps the plant stay alive, doesnt let the plant get transplant shock, its an actual good product, i would really recommend it

This all sounds wonderful. Mind if I ask how you could tell the roots got super huge within a couple of weeks?
Whoa, how does one get in on this Extreme care pack?
just email them, go to their website, or go on facebook and find their page, and you can either try to post on the page, or find the email address for them, and just ask for the xtreme care package, they should get back to you within a few weeks, they have a TON of emails as you can assume, since they are giving a lot of good product for free lol

and patrick, I keep typing a response to your question, but for some reason the message and quoting thing gets screwed up and deletes my reply, so I will try it again in a little bit lol, to frustrated now, but basically, at least for me, I have had comparisons from plants that didn't have the mykos, and all at different stages of the plant, and over all it does seem to really improve the plants roots/health
Thanks for the info, Maxsack.

They probably wont ship to Malaysia because of the cost, but i will ask if i could spring for shipping myself.
This all sounds wonderful. Mind if I ask how you could tell the roots got super huge within a couple of weeks?
Oh well I had this serrano pepper that just stoped growing during winter, Im assuming it was because it went dormant, so i thought it was the soil, i changed it, and the roots were....mmmm. well didnt really have any it was about the size of half a toothpick, i was a bit confused because it had been a month, well the cold might of just keeped it from growing, so then when i got my care pack, I desided to repot it with Mykos, i added some under the root, in a week it grew slightly i decided to put it on a bigger pot, and wow the roots were about a golfball, most of it just were Mykos was at, almost like if they were all eating the mykos, so i repotted it in a bigger pot with Mykos and Azos.

Whoa, how does one get in on this Extreme care pack?
Hey I also added them on Facebook and at the time I added them they posted a comment with "First 50 people to Comment get a Free Care pack" I was the First one, and in a week I got an Email that said That i was gana get a Pack, in a month or two I got nothing, I emailed back and they said that they were sorry they didnt sent it but had it on hold because they send so many, they sent it a week after, and a package like that for free can come in all late, I wont mind. ^-^
Nice score. Be careful using the root hormone though. When you use it the plants will stop growing because a lot of the focus will be on roots so you think the plants are stunned, but once the roots get a nice thick ball bam the plants grow a really fast after that. If your close to OC I have a huge trash can of aged black gold that I can't use. It's a good top off your soil.