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XXLarge 7POD

Potawie...not being a smartass, but that was a cool way to answer. Seriously. Thats what I was trying to say. There's no reason to get upset over a joke, right?
Im not that experienced with super hots, and I have never grown a 7 pod, until now. I know that MY yellow 7's dont look anything like that. Hell, someone may have mis-labeled the pepper wrong prior to her getting it, ya know? Im sure its just a mutant; but it would be cool as HELL if that stabilizes out and becomes a real pepper. It seriously is probably the coolest looking pepper I have ever seen.
i think what potawie is trying to say is that regardless of how cool a pod may be or how amazing it may taste, it's up to us as smart chile-heads to keep the nomenclature clean; he's just asking for a bit of accountability and accuracy when naming pods.
Do you live in a crack factory or something? All that oil screams burn. Can't you hear it?

Cracker factory. When will people get that right. Cracker. Can't hear squat, place is noisy.

Agree OP can call it what she wants but I hope the number seven isn't in it.
Its all good either way. We're just here to talk about peppers and have a good ole time. No need to go any farther than that! We need a HUG smiley!!!
I don't want to go into the name debate...
Judy grew the pepper and as so she can name it what she wants. We can only expect some reasonability from her and adopt the name or not.

Anyway, its a very good looking pod and I hope its hot and tasty enough to make it a keeper.

I can imagine it full with chilli con carne and melted cheese on top. I'm drooling right now just of thinking about it.

Congrats Judy, keep up the good work :)

thnx well i agree with all of you guys about the name we should not just give any name that we like but i cant hid the fact that it was from trinidad and the friend sent me this huge pod 7pod and the traditional 7 pod so if she named the package of seeds yellow 7pod and turn to be all pods are that size i will guess we can call it XXlarge 7pod just to differanciate it from the original yellow 7pod from trinidad the name was not given by me i added XXlarge bcz i have the original one and as you guys know its not same size ... so all comments are welcom and lets not fight
We need a HUG smiley!!!

How about this?








consider yourselves all hugged!