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XXLarge 7POD


I hate to go against the grain here but I'm not a fan of the looks of it. Just doesn't have the evil threatening 7 pod look to me.
I hate to go against the grain here but I'm not a fan of the looks of it. Just doesn't have the evil threatening 7 pod look to me.

Do you live in a crack factory or something? All that oil screams burn. Can't you hear it?

PL, That 8pod looks like it would destroy the porcelain inside my toilet bowel if I ate the whole thing. It's just simply amazing what your peppers are doing this year. Your weather must be perfect this season to make them so happy.
I'm with patrick as I also don't think it looks much like any 7 pods I've seen, but that doesn't take away what a nice big yellow congo type pepper that it is. The thing that really gets me about this thread is that you just named a big yellow pod that looks nothing like a 7 what you did. Sure it may be from Trinidad but let's not get carried away with the new name and just making names up like that. Call it Judy's Giant Lover pepper and not somthing that adds to the already confusing world of pepper taxonomy. :confused:
A huge chinense? Yes? A new 7 pod or 8, 9 10, 11 pod? No. Let's get real. We can't orgasm about everything we see, and we can't arbitrary name what we see.

It might be a language thing, but I don't get where this thing came from.
A huge chinense? Yes? A new 7 pod or 8, 9 10, 11 pod? No. Let's get real. We can't orgasm about everything we see, and we can't arbitrary name what we see.

It might be a language thing, but I don't get where this thing came from.

it's not a language thing, it's a laziness/fad thing.
7 pots are "in style", as you can see from the influx of posters (like me) who initially drop by in search of those.
I don't want to go into the name debate...
Judy grew the pepper and as so she can name it what she wants. We can only expect some reasonability from her and adopt the name or not.

Anyway, its a very good looking pod and I hope its hot and tasty enough to make it a keeper.

I can imagine it full with chilli con carne and melted cheese on top. I'm drooling right now just of thinking about it.

Congrats Judy, keep up the good work :)

That looks like a VERY beautiful looking pepper on the inside. Has to be one of the coolest looking interior pics of a pod that I have seen.
Im with you, Bleash. Who cares what she calls it? She was just joking around about the pepper. I doubt she's going to try to trademark anything. Its just peppers, ya'll. When are people going to learn to just calm down? GEEZ!!! :banghead:
Calm down? Who's not calm, and isn't this a discussion forum for discussing peppers? Do we have to sugar coat everything we say, or can we just openly discuss?
Call it what you want but calling it a yellow 7 or 8 or 9 is just going to create a lot more confusion and hype in my opinion.
I agree with POTAWIE. As a hybrid that's what it should be called. When it's stable it should get a proper name .... and maybe not anything to do with 7 Pod .

P. Dreadie
Exactly my point. I never said we couldnt discuss peppers. I just was making the comment that there is no reason to get all bent out of shape over someone making a joke (unless I completely misunderstood the intention) when there is no need to.
Its a big "7 pod." Haha, lets call it an 8 or 9 pod...HAHA. Lets call it a "big yellow turd." Someone please explain to me why I should get all upset overe this. Maybe Im just missing something.
Nobody cares about the 8 or 9 pod joke, the problem is calling it anything to do with a 7 pod. If it doesn't have the color, look, taste, or heat of a 7 pod then it isn't one in my opinion.
Look at all the so called habaneros out there that aren't even close to being habs, and now the same is happening with bhuts, scopions, nagas, 7's. I just think as chile-heads we are better than that and shouldn't initiate unneeded hype and confusion.
Still a cool looking, huge pod just not a 7
Potawie...not being a smartass, but that was a cool way to answer. Seriously. Thats what I was trying to say. There's no reason to get upset over a joke, right?
Im not that experienced with super hots, and I have never grown a 7 pod, until now. I know that MY yellow 7's dont look anything like that. Hell, someone may have mis-labeled the pepper wrong prior to her getting it, ya know? Im sure its just a mutant; but it would be cool as HELL if that stabilizes out and becomes a real pepper. It seriously is probably the coolest looking pepper I have ever seen.