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Y7 Turkey Slap

I've been researching recipes..came down between a 1972 recipe outa my much-loved Joy of Cooking and one from AllRecipes.com

So, I used 'em both as a guideline and made my own recipe..including flax meal instead of the wheat germ I don't have for a nice nutty flavor and fiber. (Mom/Gramma always used wheat germ in it..awesome flavor and healthy too)

Recipe: http://www.darkgrid.com/images/banana_bread/banana_bread_allrecipes_edited.jpg

I'll post a topic on it in an hour or two.... ;)

I also took some good pix of the Y7 and Skobiyan bottles for the vidz and what have u. :D




The camera + editing really makes taht killer scorpion label POP..even mor so than by naked eye....:woohoo:


RIP Quaddy however the slap lives on!

I just had some on medium rare kangaroo and it was awesome! BRUNTASTIC!
OK, I tried 3 sauces from THSC up to now and they are quite different in taste though I would say that Neil seems to like his sauces sweet (as I do). The Skobiyan hit me like a brick although I did not take a spoonful of it. I like the taste but compared to the Turkey Slap, I much prefer the latter. It's maybe the spices in the Skobiyan that make me like it less than the Turkey Slap but in many ways, it remains a damn good sauce. I also tried the Jungle Juice which is not so hot. The taste is great and my BF loved it (for him, it was still damn hot). Neil, I've noticed that pineapple is an ingredient in the sauce, have you ever tried cloves instead of cinnamon? I have that grilled pineapple recipe in which I use cloves (not too much of it though 'cause the flavor is quite overwhelming). It could be good!

In short, I loved them all but my favorite to date is the Turkey Slap. The bottle will not last long. I promised some colleagues at work that I will bring the sauce for them to try. They are scared after I sent them the videos reviewing it! I still have the NagaSav to taste, will let you know later!
to date the Nagasav is my all time favorite sauce - too bad it's made half a world from me - shipping kinda increases the price just a tad - but maybe thats appropriate, something that good is appreciated even more - I have some Skobian and some Turkey Slap on the way and can't wait to try them (and since I am paying the shipping anyway I ordered more Nagasav while I was at it - doing my happy dance here)
never thought of cloves, sounds goooood though working on levels be tricky though as yea can be overwhelming like Anise but might try it in a batch and see how goes.. yea like my heat sweet :) and why Yellow 7 Pods over Naga's as Paul says in vid "ya could put money on that theres fruit in there" There's Not its Just the Yellow 7's are that Good flavourwise ya think theres other stuff in there

thanks Mark, hope ya like the new 1's they should be there soooooon, can't wait to hear what ya think too and like you NagaSav was my Fav till Skobiyan, still use the NagaSav but add skobiyan to it now as Love the Heat,, ya start and WHACK then as ya eat it gets hotter till ya tongue starts to hurt and you have to stop for a bit, then each Mouthful makes ya tongue hurt, dinner can take an Hour sometimes and go through a shirt as sweat that much, drench 1 then get a towel as sweat get in eyes and stings so can't see food, then after Have a Hot tea/coffee and It stings Like Bejeezus, sit down after feelin like done 12 rounds with Mike Tyson and mellowwwwww out.

The shop down the Road is Now doing Hamburgers with Ya Pick.. was Orig NagaSav but Now they Have both Y7 and Skobiyan as well and can ask for whatever on and as Hot as Like... there is sooo going to be a Video made there, a Bacon and Egg roll with Skobiyan is Divine (had 1 this Morn) some dude said the chicken burger with y7 was awesome when was there this arvo,, now got Superhot Hamburgers as well as Pies yay..
theHippySeedCo said:
never thought of cloves, sounds goooood though working on levels be tricky though as yea can be overwhelming like Anise but might try it in a batch and see how goes.. yea like my heat sweet :) and why Yellow 7 Pods over Naga's as Paul says in vid "ya could put money on that theres fruit in there" There's Not its Just the Yellow 7's are that Good flavourwise ya think theres other stuff in thereQUOTE]

True the the Turkey Slap has more of a fruit flavor in it. But today, the BF wanted to eat some hot dogs (just bland, commercial ones). I had two dogs with nothing else than 1 with Skobiyan and 1 with Turkey Slap. I must admit that on the dogs, the Skobiyan stood out a little more than the Turkey. So basically, I have to try them on other stuff, some food would go well with one, and other with the other! BTW, the other night, I tasted the sauces as steak sauces/dips. Way to go Neil, your sauces are absolutely awesome!
Was over at Madhatters earlier to try some of the Y7 Turkey Slap he got from Neil. I definitely agree with what was said above about how you'd swear there's fruit in there. Smells like a pineapple or peach sauce or something. Amazing taste and very unique compared to anything I've tried previously. Really liked the heat level. Nothing stupid hot, but definitely not for the faint of heart either. Enjoyable burn, and not one of those extract based chemical burns that I can do without.

After about 30 seconds both of us felt it hit our stomachs and shortly after it was like a heat wave expanding through the chest area. An instant rush of increased body temperature for a minute or two. Never experienced that before. Is opium one of the ingredients, I can't remember?

Awesome all around sauce and very impressed with that flavour considering the ingredient list is pretty much only 7s. Yellow 7Pod just made my 2011 grow list.
Hey Ballz, that's the great thing about the Yellow 7s, they're still up there in the heat level but aren't so hot that you can't enjoy the flavour. They hit me just as you've described, body temp rises and I never fail to work up a good sweat whether eating fresh or in Neil's sauce. You won't regret growing them.