DDD: ChilePlants.com is where I am ordering my plants, and I did plan on ordering the Yellow Bhut from them.
Once this thing is proven, then I'll reconsider buying. With lack of money and space and the likely chance of moving this year, I can't grow everything--and with the Yellow Bhut's cloudy history so far, I'll wait to get it. Some real scientific testing to determine whether it is really a mutated Bhut or an unstable cross (as you seemed to allude to in one of the Yellow Bhut topics I've read) is needed IMO to end the confusion. If results confirm that it is, in fact, a genetic mutation of a Bhut, then it may just change my stance and persuade me to try it... but for now, I'm awaiting more information, even if all there is is opinions from others who have grown it.
Part of the reason I ditched the Yellow Bhut, besides the confusion, is that when I think Bhut I think extreme heat, and the regular Bhut Jolokia and Naga Morich are the standards all other "Bhuts" should be judged by for heat IMO. I've read a few people's comments that it is not quite as hot as the regular Bhut or even Chococolate Bhut (Neil has basically said something to this effect this in his Chilli Test for it as well). So Bhut and Chocolate Bhut it is, at least this year. That can change in the next few years though, once some facts are straightened out.