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Yellow bhut.

Thanks- hey your right in maryland.. you goin to peppers on the beach this weekend in DE?

... omg that site is intense! Basically it gave me directions on how to remove "man-parts" .. I dont think my boyfriend would be very happy to learn that I'm reading up on such material haha

Nicole said:
How do you pollinate with a paint brush? I mean.. anatomicaly.. what is the two parts you are touching?

Using the chosen words I feel like a mom explaning sex to a child lol :o)


Lol. Well Nicole i get the pollen on the brush from the anthers(male) and gently rub the stigma(female) to inpregnate the ovule. Which hopefully grow the fruit.
Thanks for the advice guys! For now I am going to try to easier fan approach, if I don't have luck then I will try the more "hands on" approach (even though I feel bad violating them..)

Im using a small window fan, do I leave it on all day.. an hour a day.. how strong/close to the plant should it be?

Also, the pix of all those peppers that have already matured-- I thought that the more you pick the more that grow- and once they turn your suppose to pick em right away? Is this not true? Or is there a different reason for not picking them once they've matured?
madhatter said:
Interesting Potowie, LGHT. Maybe i'll try it. i tried the shaking but only had success with some.

I did the shaking thing this season and a fan some times but had little success. I did a few with paint brush or the old finger routine and it worked out much better. From what I've noticed, indoor pollination definitely benefits from some manual 'stimulation'. I had tonnes of flower drop with shaking and after seeing the amounts of pods you're getting, it's pretty apparent that the paintbrush routine works.

and great taste test yesterday with yellow bhut #1. It was definitely extremely hot and had the characteristics of the red bhut (not as hot but still very impressive heat). Had that that familiar yellow pepper fruity taste as well. I'm impressed. Can't wait for #2 to sample the differences.
madhatter said:
I always grow a few plants early cause i just cant wait. And we have such a short growing season in the great white north. Not sure if they will grow true. Will have to grow and find out and see what we get in the third generation.

I have both those problems too. I have about 90 days in total for growing and I just can't wait to get some seeds into the ground. Last year I started some in August/September :). They've been under lights and doing great so far. Now that they've been getting full sun, they've taken off. Should be getting a small harvest of various peppers pretty soon.
I've had excellent results with pollination by using a spray bottle. I'm giving them a light spritz of epsom salts anyways so I'm killing two birds with one stone. Just be sure to spray up into the flower while you are spraying under the leaves.
Ballzworth said:
I did the shaking thing this season and a fan some times but had little success. I did a few with paint brush or the old finger routine and it worked out much better. From what I've noticed, indoor pollination definitely benefits from some manual 'stimulation'. I had tonnes of flower drop with shaking and after seeing the amounts of pods you're getting, it's pretty apparent that the paintbrush routine works.

I've found just the opposite. As long as the pods are producing pollen, I do absolutely nothing and end up with so many pods which I'm still plucking off. I used to think hand pollinating helped, especially with pubescens varieties but I've prove to myself that its absolutely not necessary. For me just the slightest breeze is needed if anything and pollination apparently occurs best during the warmer parts of the afternoon
Nicole said:
How do you pollinate with a paint brush? I mean.. anatomicaly.. what is the two parts you are touching?

I think maybe we should ask the plant that lol, "ok little jolokia can you show us where the bad man touched you with the paint brush?" :rofl:
I've previously wrote about yellows... which were surprise plants that came up from a batch of seeds i had bought from an orphanage in India back in '06.
All the peppers had always come up as the reds, but I have two plants that produce all yellows, and have sent some to a couple of people and waiting to see what results they have growing them.
Back in the old thread, you can see one of the peppers going through the change.

madhatter said:
Yep i tasted them today JR. The taste is almost identical to a fatalii(very citrusy). The heat was hot but not as a bhut. Kind of on the mild side of a fatalii heat range. I have a feeling Plant 2 will be different. Oh well. Nice tasting pepper though.

Sounds similar to Hippy (and Mel's) review. Have you tried bonda ma Jacques before, I believe hippy found them quite similar and they are some of my favorites
Sounds similar to Hippy (and Mel's) review. Have you tried bonda ma Jacques before, I believe hippy found them quite similar and they are some of my favorites

hey Derek
grew the bonda last year but with the cold summer we had the plant didnt do well in the garden. Didnt have a chance to try it and this year got some pretty bad BLS so had to rid of it. Ballzworth has one so will try one from his but hear great things about them. It sounds like and looks like maybe the cross. I spoke to Neil at THSC a couple months before he did the test and he seemed to think it was the bonda. When i tested it i had the same reaction that Neil had. Hot but not near bhut hot. Not fatalii hot either.

Awesome producer though!!
I am growing some Fatalii X Bhut Jolokia these are from a friends cross so it will be interesting to see if they come out like the ones claimed to be true "yellow bhuts" since most of us suspect that its a fatalii cross anyway
either way MH those are some awesome looking pods and look to be absolutely worth growing.

These will grown in hydro setups

WickedMojo said:
I am growing some Fatalii X Bhut Jolokia these are from a friends cross so it will be interesting to see if they come out like the ones claimed to be true "yellow bhuts" since most of us suspect that its a fatalii cross anyway
either way MH those are some awesome looking pods and look to be absolutely worth growing.

Yeah one of the best plants ive ever grown if not the best. Plant two still growing like crazy in a 3 gallon pot with pro mix bx. have to water the thing every two days. heavy drinker i guess. Love it. It will be interesting to see how yours do and everyone elses too.

interesting to see what produces from your fatalii x bhut cross too. should be good

chillilover said:
Did you try a pod from #2 yet?
a bit hotter than plant 1 but not near the red bhut. I want to try it again when it gets outside with the climate change.

I did re cross it again with the red to see what happens.
madhatter said:
interesting to see what produces from your fatalii x bhut cross too. should be good

I hope they look atleast half as good as yours , theres only 4 of us growing them so hopefully we get some results worth trying to stabilize, I'll prob give out a bunch of seeds on THP when we get some pods
WickedMojo said:
I hope they look atleast half as good as yours , theres only 4 of us growing them so hopefully we get some results worth trying to stabilize, I'll prob give out a bunch of seeds on THP when we get some pods

It should be awesome! good producer and heat from fatalii with the red bhuts heat.Man! keep us posted on that. Not sure if this asiasgarden stain is a fatalii cross heat but still just awesome. Will never know i guess.
Your always welcome to seeds from mine WM.
Thanks for keeping us in the know 'hatter.

I've got a Lemon Bhut going and so far so good. Seeds came from a lady down under that seen one of my free seed offers. She's not on this forum. Wonder if they seeds are related to yours?

Nicole, yes you do want to pick pods as soon as they become ripe. That does stimulate the plant to produce more.

Lastly Chris I'm so sorry to hear of your mishap. Wish I could do something about it for you bro. Hopefully the second plant will go into overdrive and take care of your needs.
patrick said:
Thanks for keeping us in the know 'hatter.

I've got a Lemon Bhut going and so far so good. Seeds came from a lady down under that seen one of my free seed offers. She's not on this forum. Wonder if they seeds are related to yours?

Nicole, yes you do want to pick pods as soon as they become ripe. That does stimulate the plant to produce more.

Lastly Chris I'm so sorry to hear of your mishap. Wish I could do something about it for you bro. Hopefully the second plant will go into overdrive and take care of your needs.

Patrick did you plant the seeds i sent you? Should be related if there from the same source.(asiasgarden)
you say she's down under.lol