Yellow Fatalii Goes Red! Not Happy

[SIZE=12pt]The Yellow Fatalii is my all time favorite, so much so I chose to grow several plants of them this year in hopes to fill my freezer to get through to next season. Last year I procrastinated and kept saying all save seed from the next pod, as I ate the next one and next one, and of course eventually there were no pods for seed.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]So this year I purchased several seeds from what I consider to be a reputable seed dealer. He only showed the “Yellows” on his web site so I thought that was what I was purchasing. So to my surprise as I waited for the ripening of several green pods the first pod went from green to orange to red. Once the color change started to take place from green to red, it was only 2 days before it turned completely red.  What no Yellow?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Not that I don’t think it is really cool looking pod, but I have many more plants that I fear now will not produce Yellow Fatalii’s this year, and that’s a huge disappointment, as that is the main ingredient to my Salsas.  I’m hoping this is just a fluke and my Yellows are still on their way. In the mean time all I can do is wait for all these greenies to change color.[/SIZE]


Thanks Nigel. I never had one, and became so accustomed to the Yellow for flavor in my Salsas. I thought the yellow had the best flavor and the red was just hotter without so much flavor. But that's good news if you think the red tastes better. Can't wait to give er a try! 
Well, that's just one plant, right? Hope the rest turn true for you. If not maybe the reds will be great/better as Nigel said. (Great review, by the by.) I get that its pretty frustrating when you've put mula down, though.
I know how ya feel, I have a couple varieties that are just baby pods still and are DEF not what I bargained for! It's all good though, most likely I'll enjoy them anyway (I do love peppers) and there are many seasons to come.
I've actually been particularly luck with 2 - Primos that of two one is super mean the other habbish and Cumari do Para 5/6 grew true the other not so much. Really excited to try both 'nots'.
Hey, and you could always request a SFRB or two in the ads, I bet more than a couple growers will have a surplus.
Nigel said:
I honestly prefer the Red Fatalii to the Yellow one, so I`d say "WIN!!!"
I love most reds, so don't get me wrong on this, but Fatalii is the ONE yellow chile that I absolutely love the flavor of. Most other yellows are just "meh" to me. I haven't tried a red Fatalii yet, but will see about adding that variety next season. I'm not growing fataliis this year, as I have an abundance of dried pods still, but they're on my list to grow again. 
geeme said:
I love most reds, so don't get me wrong on this, but Fatalii is the ONE yellow chile that I absolutely love the flavor of. Most other yellows are just "meh" to me. I haven't tried a red Fatalii yet, but will see about adding that variety next season. I'm not growing fataliis this year, as I have an abundance of dried pods still, but they're on my list to grow again. 
Oh, I felt the same way. The only moderate heat yellows I liked enormously were Fatalii and Bonda ma Jacques. Once I grew Red Fataliis it became just Bonda ma Jacques  :halo:
geeme said:
Fatalii is the ONE yellow chile that I absolutely love the flavor of. Most other yellows are just "meh" to me.
No love for Datils?? :)
I too mostly prefer red chinenses but never had a red fatalii (i was curious about red devil's tongue as well), pods look great SL3!
Nigel said:
Oh, I felt the same way. The only moderate heat yellows I liked enormously were Fatalii and Bonda ma Jacques. Once I grew Red Fataliis it became just Bonda ma Jacques  :halo:
Got Bonda ma Jacques growing too, thanks to you. None ripe yet, but another one I'll keep my eye on.
Datil said:
No love for Datils?? :)
I too mostly prefer red chinenses but never had a red fatalii (i was curious about red devil's tongue as well), pods look great SL3!
Oh yes, love Datils too, but found Fatalii's easier to grow here and more productive. I think Datil's really like the humidity which would have been no problem this year here! Might be why my Fatalii's are moving slower than I expected this year. It's usually a dry heat where I live, but this summer we've had humidity from 60% to 80% (feel like I'm back in Texas). I'm loaded with pods from all the slow growers from last year, and moving very slow with he ones that normally are the first to produce.
Madame Jannetes, scotch bonnet yellow, beni highlands, lemon habaneros, yellow congo, yellow dominican, jamaican yellow hot mushroom, equadorian devils breath, devils tongue yellow, all terrific moderate heat yellows as well as the bonda ma jaques and fatalii both of which I grow ever year!
I wouldn't be unhappy with those tasty looking pods...

Enjoy man and sorry they didn't turn out to what you expected, hope the website reimburses you...
geeme said:
I love most reds, so don't get me wrong on this, but Fatalii is the ONE yellow chile that I absolutely love the flavor of. Most other yellows are just "meh" to me. I haven't tried a red Fatalii yet, but will see about adding that variety next season. I'm not growing fataliis this year, as I have an abundance of dried pods still, but they're on my list to grow again.
Got to agree, yellow is by far the best and brown the worst

Looks like a good pod anyway
Came home to this today! Happy happy camper I am I am! :dance:
This is on the plant right next to the red one, so hopefully those will continue red, and the majority of my other Fatalii plants will turn yellow. 