nutrients Yellow leaves. Nute burn?

Hey guys,
I'm getting yellow leaves and then they fall off. At first on one plant, but it is spreading to others. I used a 0-10-10 fertilizer a week ago. Is this nute burn? Or is it something totally unrelated?


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Lay off the juice for a bit and maybe water less? Looks like overwatering... cheers

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Bookers said:
Lay off the juice for a bit and maybe water less? Looks like overwatering... cheers

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Watering shouldn't be an issue because I let them almost wilt before I water (to prevent edema). Does it maybe look like nitrogen deficiency? Some pics online look similar... but id hate to give them more fertilizer if they are already burned.
stickyfingers111 said:
Watering shouldn't be an issue because I let them almost wilt before I water (to prevent edema). Does it maybe look like nitrogen deficiency? Some pics online look similar... but id hate to give them more fertilizer if they are already burned.
I guess there are lots of things go into play. Soil. did it have fertilizer already? Are the roots being choked? How long in the small pot? I personally don't know then... just trying to help...

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Bookers said:
I guess there are lots of things go into play. Soil. did it have fertilizer already? Are the roots being choked? How long in the small pot? I personally don't know then... just trying to help...

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I for sure appreciate the help! The soil did already have fert in it. But the plants are about 4 months old so I figure they may have used up everything that was in it. When you say choked roots, do you mean rootbound? They are 10" clay pots.
air flow ? container size ?  any nitro before ? time between watering ?   1/3 perlite , roots need oxygen and shouldn't sit waterlogged for long extended period ,      :party:
moruga welder said:
air flow ? container size ?  any nitro before ? time between watering ?   1/3 perlite , roots need oxygen and shouldn't sit waterlogged for long extended period ,      :party:
Got 2 fans blowing on them. 10" clay pots. No nitro in the last couple months. About a cup of water every 3 days or so. Mostly only water when they start to wilt. And yes on the perlite. I used a ton when I mixed the soil for good drainage.
0-10-10 alone, not as part of a combination feeding?  If so, SMH...
There is literally *never* a single point in the life cycle of a pepper, where it doesn't need nitrogen.  Nor a point where it ever need mega doses of Phosphorus.
I do believe that if you supply potassium in this kind of quantity, with no supplementation of nitrogen, you'll find the metabolism priority will be to consume the remaining nitrogen.  In other words, you CANNOT supply potassium without having sufficient nitrogen, as this will kick start the plant's metabolism to use more nitrogen.  The plant knows how much it needs, just keep steady streams of NPKs, and don't try to "fool" it into doing what you want it to do.
Get back on a normal fertilizer, and don't get carried away trying to "bloom boost".  Just the basics will get you lots of pods.
Your moniker tells me a good bit about where you learned your grow habits.  That will lean out your wallet, faster than it will grow you the goodies.  Just sayin'...
stickyfingers111 said:
Got 2 fans blowing on them. 10" clay pots. No nitro in the last couple months. About a cup of water every 3 days or so. Mostly only water when they start to wilt. And yes on the perlite. I used a ton when I mixed the soil for good drainage.
use a simple 10 - 10 - 10 , she needs some nitro my friend !  ,   add more potash when she's podding ,   :party:
moruga welder said:
use a simple 10 - 10 - 10 , she needs some nitro my friend !  ,   add more potash when she's podding ,   :party:
Thanks! I had some 26-12-8 that I used on them yesterday at half strength just to give them an extra boost of nitro. From here on out I will switch over to my 10-10-10 once a week. Sure would be nice if the yellow leaves would go back to normal, but from what I've read, it wont happen. Lesson learned!  :cool:
moruga welder said:
use a simple 10 - 10 - 10 , she needs some nitro my friend !  ,   add more potash when she's podding ,   :party:
You don't need to do that, either.  Not unless you're growing hydroponically indoors, all year round, and are constantly pod laden.
Potassium is the only macro that gets stored in surplus, until it gets used.  If you only grow for one season, you won't need any supplementation.
solid7 said:
You don't need to do that, either.  Not unless you're growing hydroponically indoors, all year round, and are constantly pod laden.
Potassium is the only macro that gets stored in surplus, until it gets used.  If you only grow for one season, you won't need any supplementation.
Just going by what my Ol' Pal 96STRAT had taught me , and I have yet to have any problems , via , bugs , any diseases , lack of fruit , you name it ,
been nothing by killer grows since ,     :party:  just check out my Grow Glogs , 
Hey Guys, It's been almost 2 weeks since I started using a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer and I'm STILL having leaves turn yellow and fall off. What's the deal? I thought the nitrogen would fix the issue. 
PH is at 7.5 on my cheap meter. I know the potting mix is not hydrophobic. I don't think the potting mix is compacted, but it is possible. Also, the plants were outside about a month ago and did harden off. But then I brought them back inside. The leaves did not start turning yellow until I brought them indoors. Could it be that the plants got used to sunlight and now my grow lights aren't good enough for them?
I should be celebrating seeing my first reaper pod, but instead I'm pulling my hair out watching them slowly die and not knowing how to help them.


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Did you do a slurry test, and measure the EC of the resultant solution? 
What do you actually know about what you're doing right now?  That's not a snide remark, I'm asking you for any information that you've actually worked to obtain.
We (collectively) need to get away from trying to pinpoint single nutrient deficiencies, and start seeing what's going on with the plant as a system.
The problem with where we're at right now, is that you dosed with 0-10-10.  Then, you added 10-10-10.  So you've got a 10-20-20 fertilizer in your plants right now.  You didn't see a turnaround, so you've clearly got something locked up.  Truthfully, when you don't have nitrogen working symbiotically with other nutrients, it's going to cause you a problem and/or take some time to get it sorted back out.  Chemistry is all about molecular relationships.  
EC test.  You will get no definitive answers - only guesses and stabs in the dark - until you post this.
solid7 said:
Did you do a slurry test, and measure the EC of the resultant solution? 
What do you actually know about what you're doing right now?  That's not a snide remark, I'm asking you for any information that you've actually worked to obtain.
We (collectively) need to get away from trying to pinpoint single nutrient deficiencies, and start seeing what's going on with the plant as a system.
The problem with where we're at right now, is that you dosed with 0-10-10.  Then, you added 10-10-10.  So you've got a 10-20-20 fertilizer in your plants right now.  You didn't see a turnaround, so you've clearly got something locked up.  Truthfully, when you don't have nitrogen working symbiotically with other nutrients, it's going to cause you a problem and/or take some time to get it sorted back out.  Chemistry is all about molecular relationships.  
EC test.  You will get no definitive answers - only guesses and stabs in the dark - until you post this.
Ok Solid7. Thanks. I will order an EC test meter today and I'm sure I'll have it on Monday. I will post the results.