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Yellow Leaves on hydro peppers

I recently changed from a heavier Grow formulation to a heavier Bloom, and I don't know if its related I lost a bunch of lush green leaves on the bottom of my plants, they were like 9 inches long and 6 inches+ wide.

I also started getting yellowing and curling of leaves on some peppers

Here is a pic of some yellowing. This is with my lights on I use daylight flourescents.


Another issue is my chocolate bhut, a HUGE plant, to the left of the one pictured had TONS of buds and they fall off.

I was doing a light experiment and running lights about 24/7 since the sprout of these plants, and they were growing like weeds, big healthy weeds (1"+ around stems.. and the chocolate Bhut has about 8 stems... its a big one..)

1: are they finally topping out on needing periods of no light, NIGHTTIME (The leaves were so green and lush they looked like spinach)
2: did my formulation of using heavier bloom take away the extra nutrients that were giving me plants the lushness?


I can post good pictures tonight...

i am new to this, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt, and wait for the experts to chime in. but those leaves look yellow with dark green veins and that i think is a Mag deficiency. so try to add some cal mag or foliar spray with epsom salts. se if that changes anything.

what nutes are you using?
What are your pH levels at? When it comes to my DWC setup that is the FIRST thing I check if I see any issues. Also what type of water are you using? I'm sure I've asked you before but, I'm old at my tender age of 30 and forget things easily :P
Aside from the yellowing issue it looks like those babies are cranking out some flowers! Always a good sign.

the one to the left the chocolate bhut is cranking out flowers like a machine... but there seems to be a lack of pollen? but my sweet peppers have enough pollen to fill the palm of my hand.

do superhots have less pollen production?

ph had dropped a bit I had never had to use PH up before, but this bloom formula does bring it down.

I was running 5.9 but it might have been 5.6 last night, It might be getting nutrient lock out being low, (ACID+ PH) vs being more midrange.
Ill check tonight and maybe ill throw some PH UP in there and see what happens..
Still using GH 3 part? I'd up the micro a bit and second spongey's recommendation for Cal Mag spray. PH seems fine, but maybe you want to try filtered water, if you're not using it already.
Yah I would try epson salt foiler spray.
If you are useing gh 3 part i agree with Zanderspice and give a little more.
Do you know what your ppm has been running?