Yellowing Leaves

Okay, I have another question...I have noticed that several of my plants are turning yellow, leaves and stems. Should I be alarmed? I watered Saturday with Miracle Grow "Bloom Booster" and only used half of what it calls for. Could this yellowing be from too much fertilizer? This was the first time that I have added fertilizer since before they sprouted. I have plenty of light and don't feel that I have over-watered. I see no pests or mold. Could this also be a combination of being root bound with the fertilizer?

Sorry for rambling...I'm just at a loss.
Pepperfreak, how big are your plants? What kind of potting soil are they in?

Using Miracle Grow Bloom Booster this early isn't a good idea, its NPK ratio is 15-30-15. Even at half strength that's way too much phosphorus this early.
Pam said:
Pepperfreak, how big are your plants? What kind of potting soil are they in?

Using Miracle Grow Bloom Booster this early isn't a good idea, its NPK ratio is 15-30-15. Even at half strength that's way too much phosphorus this early.
That's right! you tell him girl!
Sorry, I'm usually good with pics...These picture are somewhat good at showing what I'm asking.



Pam said:
Pepperfreak, how big are your plants? What kind of potting soil are they in?

Using Miracle Grow Bloom Booster this early isn't a good idea, its NPK ratio is 15-30-15. Even at half strength that's way too much phosphorus this early.

Ooops!!! Are they going to be OK? I didn't...I didn't like kill them, did I? :shocked: I'm using straight pro-mix BX.

I feel like an idiot...I thought some "food" might help them...I guess I was getting impatient and should have just left well enough alone since they all seemed to be growing nicely before I fertilized them.
I don't think you're killed them, but you should probably flush them with some plain water. If you must use Miracle Grow, get some Miracle Grow for Tomatoes, it's formulation isn't as skewed.
Pam said:
I don't think you're killed them, but you should probably flush them with some plain water. If you must use Miracle Grow, get some Miracle Grow for Tomatoes, it's formulation isn't as skewed.
Still use half strength, no?
Pepperfreak said:
If they are already watered, how do I flush them without over-watering?

Hmmm...with your set up that could be tough. You can hold them under the faucet one at a time and let a gentle stream of water soak the cup and run right out of the bottom.

They'll probably bounce back if you do nothing, but they'll probably come back faster if you flush.
Pam said:
Hmmm...with your set up that could be tough. You can hold them under the faucet one at a time and let a gentle stream of water soak the cup and run right out of the bottom.

They'll probably bounce back if you do nothing, but they'll probably come back faster if you flush.
All hear! these are the words of Pam!
Pam also helped me with this problem a few months ago...I put some information about leaf discoloration and a couple of photos in my is what nitrogen deficiency looks like (click on pic) to blog follows..

I have learned to take Ms. Pams advice (thanks again Pam)...I flushed mine really good and they are flourishing now...
Pam said:
Hmmm...with your set up that could be tough. You can hold them under the faucet one at a time and let a gentle stream of water soak the cup and run right out of the bottom.

They'll probably bounce back if you do nothing, but they'll probably come back faster if you flush.

Thanks, I'll try flushing the really yellow ones first tomorrow when I get home from work.

I have gotta learn to stop freaking out so much...LOL Also, I have to learn to stop trying to fix something that isn't broken.
ABurningMouth said:
Just don't keep watering something that's already watered.

Well, but, that's what flushing is. As long as they're allowed to drain properly, it shouldn't hurt them.
I did it...I flushed the worst looking plant. It was actually pretty cool. The water just flowed out of the drain hole and about 10 minutes afterwards, it stopped dripping. The cup doesn't feel any heavier than if I had watered. I will post some pics in a few days to share its progress.
Thanks again Pam :)
Just wanted to give an update...

I finished pampering my plants today and found that everything has bounced back wonderfully. I have so much new growth that I had to rig up a new shelf and add a new light fixture. I would have posted some pics, but the dang camera was dead (I forgot to put the batteries in the charger).
Yay! I'm glad they're looking better. Sounds like you got a good nitrogen bounce, too, even if the phosphorus was so high.