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heat yet again another 'new' worlds hottest!!!!!!

It just keeps on happening....
Someone claims the hottest, but sure enough there is someone else to beat it...
Hope the record stays in Australia...
When it comes down to the bare bones the record only stands with the pods that are tested, if you jump the bandwagon and get seeds for whatever chilli holds the record will you achieve the same levels of heat? You'll never know unless you get them tested and if you do then they arte gone and you'll never get to eat them!!!!!
We know that heat has a variation not only fron plant to plant buit even different pods from the same plant.

So my view on the whole worlds hottest sideshow is yea it'd be great to get your name in the record books but in the end anyone growing the hyper hots ain't really gonna be able to tell the difference of a 100K shu at them levels with their mouth
I'll reserve judgement until there are real facts
You may not be able to tell the difference of a 100K shu at them levels with fresh pods, but who eats mass amounts of them fresh. I use chiles as a spice in my sausages and other recipes and this is where you really notice the different heat levels of different peppers, especially when making different batches with identical amounts of different peppers. Obviously the hotter the pepper, the less you need to add which can be a real advantage
I think it's getting to a stage where the heat is gonna (or is already) overtaking the flavour and when that happens I find the plants pointless in growing.
Take the hottest annuum I don't know what it is buit I'd guess it's pretty vile to eat fresh due to the acidic annuum burn on the lips.
Where as a 7 pot will eclipse the hottest annuum on the shu scale but jeez they are amazing to eat fresh due to the amazing flavour
I think it's getting to a stage where the heat is gonna (or is already) overtaking the flavour and when that happens I find the plants pointless in growing.

Ya, thats why I don't grow many Scorpion-BTs anymore. Amazing heat but nowhere near my favorite for flavor.
I've been doing some digging and can't find any legitimate publications or press releases for this - just a bunch of unsubstantiated claims and a Twitter account which magically popped up a couple days ago.
Why is the pic a gif image? Gif is usually used to combine multiple images, like in the animated avatars you see. Isn't it easier to overlay color in gif? Jes askin.
Looks legit to me..... but I'm just a newb.

It's hard to read sarcasm on the internet - was that serious?

I saw the same picture on Eat More Heat and their Twitter account. Looks photoshopped as hell, but the picture is too low resolution to examine properly.

On the Twitter account, the botanists who allegedly cultivated the pepper were quick to say that it isn't a naga jolokia purple, but an entirely distinct variety. They've also posted a series of tweets which are supposed to be in response to an NDTV segment on the pepper, but I've searched the NDTV site pretty extensively and found no mention of it. Same goes for the Times of India. There is also no mention of the pepper on the Mumbai University Institute of Chemical Technology's website, where they claim the pepper was cultivated and tested.

While it's possible that I'm being too skeptical, just imagine what an easy prank it would be to set up a Twitter account like that, attribute it to an existing institution, then send out some bogus information and wait for people to eat it up.