heat Yet another New World's Hottest Pepper thread

matter of fact , didn't that dude who calls himself the fire breathing idiot , can't remember his name , did a review on this new pod . said ed curry sent it to him . i watched his review stated it to be very very hot !   so there very well could be . doubt all of them sustain that level but on occasion .      :onfire:
pepperBob said:
I was just messing around with ya I knew what you were up to.
I'm not trying to promote anyone, nor bash anyone. But I grew 6 (actually a friend grew 3 i gave him and i grew 3) red Moruga's from Jim Duffy last year and they all grew very true. Just sayin'

D3monic said:
I'd like to see him actually stabilize his first "worlds hottest pepper" because lord knows I see enough "Is this a reaper" threads every week. 
Or maybe too many people seem to thinks it's something it's not. Like half the pepper ID threads are asking if their reapers are actually reapers. The majority of the peppers they all show look similar to each other. Leads me to believe that's the normal pheno type for them. The gnarly scary looking thing they are expecting seems to be the less common Norm. This is just based on what I see here. This is my first year growing them so I can't say for sure. Will see what mine look like in the fall but I could care less as long as they taste good. 

hogleg said:
I'm not trying to promote anyone, nor bash anyone. But I grew 6 (actually a friend grew 3 i gave him and i grew 3) red Moruga's from Jim Duffy last year and they all grew very true. Just sayin'
D3monic said:
Or maybe too many people seem to thinks it's something it's not. Like half the pepper ID threads are asking if their reapers are actually reapers. The majority of the peppers they all show look similar to each other. Leads me to believe that's the normal pheno type for them. The gnarly scary looking thing they are expecting seems to be the less common Norm. This is just based on what I see here. This is my first year growing them so I can't say for sure. Will see what mine look like in the fall but I could care less as long as they taste good. 
Yea for record I haven't grown Reapers. Other than being sent a few last year, I have very little experience with them. But I've seen all the same post you have. I like where your going with flavor, before pheno shape though. IMO most people are growing it for the novelty shape and heat, whilst flavor is beyond secondary to them.  :rolleyes:
Dragon, I visited Ed's shop in January 2014 to buy seeds.     I talked to him about reapers, which had just been awarded the Guiness record a couple months before. 
He mentioned that he had 2 varieties in the pipeline that were hotter.   We've seen various names but I think these were HP48 and HP56.     These were being used in Ed's medical research endeavors and he said they would eventually be released to the public.  
Fast forward to March 2015 and it appears these are going to be available soon( whatever soon is.)    I expect he uses the same lab to test the heat levels and their research was accepted by Guiness.
It will be interesting to see how much mainstream media fanfare the new pepper release gets.
The reaper record was established on average capsaicin levels, not one peak pod.     If a 3M pod exists, I'm sure as hell not going to eat it!
Here's the million dollar question...Does it taste good? I can get all the heat this old man needs from a Bhut or a habanero and still have a great flavor. I sometimes think we're raising for the wrong reason(I got caught up with that when the Butch T first came out)
Bigglesworth, are you sure about the Reapers being tested across the board? I thought this was the main criticism - that the trinidad moruga was hotter overall on average, and that Ed had merely picked an outlier for his Guiness record.