Yorkshire based chilli newbie

Hello chilli heads,

During the recent pandemic I've had far too much time on my hands and have developed a slight chilli obsession.

My first attempt was apparently c.annus purple variety and I was trying to identify the origin of my plant as it was an unknown seed which I received marked as purple.

As part of my obsession and studying of chilli grows it led me to this forum and a glog from PaulG re The TripPaul Threat cross from Tristen.

It took me a while but I've read all 91 pages and was just wanting to give everyone involved a pat on the back and maybe see if I could get involved in growing some and help stabilise the variety. (Granted at F8 2021 is looking all most there)

My purple plant is still unidentified and definitely not anything like TPTW. Purple flowers with purple fruit ripening to red.

So howdy from Yorkshire.