You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

Shorerider said:
When you eat something without any heat, and it feels oh so wrong.

Ate some hot fries and a quarter of chicken last night , sprinkled some hot magic on them.. 10 minutes of burning later I'm satisfied .. My daughter barely touched hers so I decide to have a few of her fries but my wife also wanted some so I don't sprinkle them ....

What was the point of eating them ...... So boring ... Lol

Jackson13 said:
Your spouse calls them the FFFFNNN peppers because they are everywhere.
Back yard.. Shed.. Hothouse.. Under the veranda.. Kitchen bench.. Window ledge.. Pantry ... Cupboard.. Fridge... Freezer....
Yeah I hear that all too often lol

ShortcutToHell said: just realized that your electronic devices all have wallpapers created from photos you took of your favorite chilis.   :rolleyes:
Lol I just finished making another one last night ..

Shorerider said:
You find yourself plucking pods for seeds from Chilli varieties you don't have at garden centers.
They fell off, honest!!
Omg ... I feel like a piece of me is in every part of this community.. Picked up a fallen pod.. Oh poor thing, check the seeds inside "look good" (Woot) go to the next variety .... Looking... Looking??? Damn no stray pods.... ***Pluck*** .. "Oh damn, look at that, this pod just fell off, well I'm sure they won't mind if I took a discarded pod" .... Hehehe ...
Shorerider said:
When you eat something without any heat, and it feels oh so wrong.

Oh MAN!  That is sooo true!   
I saw a promo sign at BurgerKing saying something about "if it ain't hot, it's free".  Turns out they were talking fahrenheit .....not scoville heat!!!  What a bummer!!!  I was so psyched to get some hot pepper chile fries or something....
You know you're a chilehead when you come back to this thread and re-like posts!!!!
Been there....
Had that happen.......
Still take hot stuff out with us for dinner....
made the cook/chef of the local pub cry when I asked him to add a couple drops Pure Evil into the Madras Curry dish and he sampled a taste.......:cool:
RobStar said:
When you start looking at the garden and start thinking that it would so look much better if all that purdy flower crap was gone and replaced with chiles.  Much more purdier!
yes! +1
every garden would be prettier if at least half of the pretty stuff was replaced by much prettier peppers :)
Shorerider said:
When you diagnose Blossom end rot on grocery store peppers and turn your nose up in disgust.

True story, happened this morning.

happened to me last year, but the issue was seedlings full of aphids... I don't mind a few aphids, but seedlings damaged by the aphids for sale... that I don't like
... you start dreaming, scheming, and planning about dedicating your life to making a couple of million dollars so you can buy a big house and a big sunny yard and never work again, just so you can spend 24/7 growing 10,000 peppers of 1,000 different varieties every year inside and outside. At night you dream about how you're going to arrange the peppers in your new million dollar house.   :shh:
All the staff at the local nursery know you by your first name and they've all received bags of your peppers to try.

You sit back and think how it would be if you had 100 million and 100 acres with helpers and every variety there is. With scientists to help you to clone, cross-breed and produce the most  crazy varieties you can think of. When you have yellow brain strains the size of apples... then the hot pepper high wears off and you reach for the water...
You dream of peppers/pepper plants.
Have nightmares people came to destroy your plants and have to fight them off.
Get mad when Google Chrome doesn't recognize text like Bhut Jolokia and almost every other strain of pepper  :snooty:  
You know you are a chili nut when...your girlfriend asks if you will be eating anything hot tonight so she knows whether to kiss you goodnight now or later. 
*Almost every night now. haha*
... When your coworkers steal your lunch, and you find them crying.  (happened yesterday)