You know you're a Chilli nut when...............

When your fridge looks like this. 

When you tell people you grow hot peppers....and they say "jalapeños?"......and you say "no hotter"....and they say "like habaneros?"....and you mention ghost peppers and they go..."those are the hottest in the world"....and you decline to correct them because after explaining the truth about scoville ratings 1,000x's before you figure life has used up it's ability to get you to explain this again....and you make a mental note not to give that guy/gal anything truly hot to A)make sure you keep your job and B)avoid lawsuits if.....said person died at your hands...
.....when it truly hurts your soul to eat a hot pepper seed....
....when you don't tell losers or posers about your best varieties because even if you give them a perfect pod.....they will just take it home and only eat a little bit,.....or worse yet lie and say they ate it. So you spend your smoke break looking at pics of hot peppers and surfing THP and not telling them, and secretly wonder what kind of life they could have....or if it is even possible they exist?
.....When eating a jalapeño makes you feel "dirty"....
When a prerequisite for dating you is....."likes hot stuff."
When you know.....when the bitching'll still have the grow "it's ok."
When instead of daydreaming of your perfect daydream about what a cross between pepper X and pepper Y would look like, or what kind of pepper I want to cross this pepper with...and KNOW this is it.
When you have actually comprehended what it would be like to date a girl with a scoville rating.
When you have a few hundred plants and 1000's of green pods on your plants but still order 3 boxes from wickedmikes because "it may be a week" and you're out of dried pods from last year..
When you tell yourself: I'm going to concentrate on this or that next year and then you get a whole bunch of seeds from everywhere and suddenly you know, deep down, you could be committed because your best laid plans are chit now, and "I can't talk right now."
And you make it work....
When little love...mean VERY little if YOU forget to turn off/turn on MY grow lights.
When you begin to comprehend what kind of apartment you would need to fit your grow operation...and how many people at work "just wouldn't understand."
.....this one makes me feel old....when a kind bud is a bisected flower
when you feel a sense of relief when you get that last bunch of seeds you really wanted and you still have a week or two before starting them...
.......this may be when you actually played with the idea of naming a child moruga, bhut, or ghost.
...............when you hand-pollinate a flower and think, "that was time well spent."
MisterBigglesworth said:
You own more than one pair of chilie print underwear and wear them regularly.
Isn't changing underwear considered kind of "normal"? I'd rather say if you DON'T change, you're all nuts. :D
Not sure if these have been mentioned yet but from my recent experiences.  
.....when you've had a delicious venison sausage sandwich loaded with roasted superhots and your wife gives you a kiss an hour later only to run away shouting 'omg that's not right, you have fire lips!'   :hell:   
......when you've been sampling peppers and come across a sweet tasting baccatum that you're SURE the wife will like since it has no detectable heat, only to have her spit it out, start coughing and say "your tastebuds are fried if you think that isn't hot, I'll never trust you again with these peppers!'    
Shorerider said:
We all do weird and wonderful things for our love of Chilli so I thought it would be interesting to hear some of the lengths we go to, to support our addiction. I'll start it off.
You run outside in the rain at 2am to collect your Chilli seedlings to shelter them from a storm. :rolleyes:
Lol I've done this, while I was sleeping heard the storm blowing and moved them all inside half asleep.

DocHolliday said:
...When little love...mean VERY little if YOU forget to turn off/turn on MY grow lights. ...
gotta hook em up to a timer!

When you wrote a song for your old girlfriend about eating a hot pepper (Jesus exclamations inferred) and she turned it into a hit. Good girl.

Shorerider said:
You could easily buy all the chillies you need for less than you spend on growing them. 
This is the same reason I have had girlfriends and wives. Satisfaction in controlling growing conditions.

....when even a bad tasting chile provides an internal satisfaction, unlike said girlfriends and wives...
When every trip to the john is "tainted" and "I think I'm just used to it."

Newbies mention "terrible pain" and "taking it easy next time."

You think.....the turkey sandwich....must have diluted it somehow.

But, you know...deep down, you're a chiliaholic. And chiles are part of your soul now.

...It's when you realize you will never truly have a good pepper, because the instant we consume these kind little things, we destroy them.
... A: Your 10 yoa son gets into a heated discussion with a peer @ Vac Bible School about whether not eating "the tail of a ghost pepper" will kill you. He told the other kid his arguement was invalid since "everybody knows ghost peppers don't have tails."
B: you immediately reach down into the pile of pods you're currently deseeding & drying and cut off the "tails" of a couple Carolina Reapers, a few Gnarly Red Primos, a couple Gnarly Yellow Primos & toss them down the hatch.

Now go tell your buddy he's wrong.