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You know you're a pepper freak if:

When the gloves you were wearing deseeding superhots leak and you suddenly feel the urge to go to toilet you just think :"Nah, I think that will be okay..."
Hunan Hands aren't that bad. Mine are burning now. I wear gloves when making sauce. When processing peppers I don't, but I do put a pair of gloves in the bathroom for when I have Hunan Hands and have to take a leak.
If you guys wear gloves, you're pu$$!&s! Just go with tweezers and those little scissors you get at the drug store and try to be as careful as possible. If you feel any burn on your nose, eyes, or grapes, you know why you couldn't play
as a child!
... if you think a Trinidad Scorpion makes a better condom because it's natural and feels better.
Yup... I realize they're small and I'm OK with that. It's big enough for most of us! :P
when you eat a pepper and say "damn that aint hot at all" and a friend takes a bite and starts crying and freaking out cuz its so hot!
... if you pass up sex because your honey says it's them or the pepper.

Or if you lie about it. I found out that no matter how much soap you use, pepper oils stay on your hands for a while. Pepper hands + foreplay equals getting slapped in the face REALLY hard HAHAHAHA. It also makes taking your contacts out or putting them in really fun LOL.
You know you're a pepper head when your kid falls on a potted pepper plant and you check the plant first.

True story. :lol:

Done that.

You know you're a pepper head when your kids have a routine down for explaining the dangers of your peppers to their friends over for play dates. "If you touch those it will feel like you stuck your hand in boiling water and you can't cool it off." and "Don't go in the shed, Dad is drying peppers in the dehydrator and it's like a torture chamber."
you know you're a chilehead when you add some superhot powder to a Spicy V-8.

(for those that don't know, V-8 is a vegetable juice blend kind like tomato juice but with more flavor, and they make a Spicy version. I used to think it has a little kick but not any more. Fatali powder goes great in it~~~ :cool: )