You MUST have an extreme sauce...

The Hot Pepper

If you are a hot sauce company, in my opinion, you MUST have an extreme sauce if you want to be talked about and frequented by chiliheads. This could be the key to your success. You may have some great flavorful, somewhat hot sauces, but chiliheads are likely to skip your product line entirely. Usually they will try the extreme sauce, and then look at what else you have to offer. If you are a small company that offers great flavorful sauces, and are wondering why they are not selling, try adding an extreme sauce, and let the chilihead community know about it. This is just my opinion! I am an observer, not a professional sauce maker.
DD, in order to get a good grasp on what others think of your sauce you need to send out many samples for feedback. If the majority of the folks that give you feedback doesn't like a certain element of your sauce, then maybe a change is needed. If the feedback is 50/50, then in my opinion, you're headed in the right direction.

DD - I suggest you do what I have done for years. Take your rejection in smaller doses! I have developed into a pretty fair camp cook, but I still work my new formulas through a small team of tasters who advise me of how it needs to be tweeked. Only after I get a score of 100% (settle for nothing less!) I take it out onto a bigger stage. This is how I scored the Gold Medal for BEST OF SHOW at the NWFS show this year for my Blazin'-Hot Stuff. So, pull together a group of 5 of 6 and take your input and rejections from them before you hit the BLOGS. - E.Z.
marcosauces said:
Well.....let me tell you E.Z. your HOT BBQ is a hit in my restaurant..!!!! More sauce request coming soon..!!!

;) That is exciting, Marco. I love to hear about any chili-head who digs my sauces, but it is really special to me when a commercial user gets off on them. Thanks!! - E.Z.
that was NOT a "not so good review", they stated that the sauce is good but needs some "tweaking".
Now, it took us over 3-4 months of tweakings and testings to make it right (mostly for consistency) for the retail market, but i was making the sauce for over 6 years in my own kitchen.
Also remember co-packers offer a first trial run...DO IT..!! after that do the final tweaking...just my advice...hope this helps.
Well, my Z-car club loves the stuff! I can't make enough of it for them.

Maybe I just read the wrong things into the review. I personally wouldn't put it on/in marinara. Maybe the olive oil threw him for a loop.

Just taking my time and doing things right.
DevilDuck said:
Well, my Z-car club loves the stuff! I can't make enough of it for them.

Maybe I just read the wrong things into the review. I personally wouldn't put it on/in marinara. Maybe the olive oil threw him for a loop.

Just taking my time and doing things right.

:cool: Sounds like you have the makings of your taste-tester team right there, DD. Have you ever considered asking them to do a blind review of what they like most (and least) about your sauce? It might be revealing, and it could well allow your to I.D. the tweaking that will move it up from good to better then to top-drawer. Live or die by R.D! - E.Z.
Yeah, but we post up a a forum kinda like this one. Everyone's really cool and I don't mind knowing who likes what. People's taste vary.

I held a compition for them to name my sauces. The winner got a free bottle. Since we call ourselves "Pirate Bastards" they tend to give me names that have to do with twisted pirate stuff. Hence, "Nuclear Scurvy" and "Barnacle Remover".
DevilDuck said:
Yeah, but we post up a a forum kinda like this one. Everyone's really cool and I don't mind knowing who likes what. People's taste vary.

I held a compition for them to name my sauces. The winner got a free bottle. Since we call ourselves "Pirate Bastards" they tend to give me names that have to do with twisted pirate stuff. Hence, "Nuclear Scurvy" and "Barnacle Remover".
"Pirate Bastards"? Humm, now that's interesting..
Clearing up

DEFCON Creator said:
I'm not sure Goonie is talking about manufacturers or consumers, as the grammatical syntax left a bit to be desired. I am talking about the drastic increase of consumers.

First of all I think we have to agree upon what is considered EXTREME.. To us I think we all agree it is an EXTRACT based sauce that is fairly hot.

I think this appeals to the newbies beause it helps spread word of mouth when they tell their friends "Hey Man, this is the hottest sauce ever, you have to try it." Many newbies will quote this for example when 1st trying Dave's Regular Insanity Sauce for example.

However, for us true chiliheads that know the truth does a company really need this? For example...

Marie Sharp's Comatose considered Extreme? I don't think so
Dan Cash Radical Heat? I dont think so

DEFCON Creator said:
Many individuals seek only heat, which many extract sauces only deliver on. It takes a lot of work to reel in the taste of extract, keeping the heat up, and infuse it with flavor.

That is why I am hoping that Defcon sauces become my new choice for wings after this Sunday!
DEFCON Creator said:
I won't have any ZERO for sale, but will bring my private stash for tasting. The next Batch of ZERO will be available sometime around April. It takes about 3-4 months to make the stuff.

Geez, how come so long? Well let me know when you have some for sale, because I really want to try it..

Will you have ONE for sale this weekend?
DEFCON Creator said:
Basically because it all hand-made, with no machines or chemicals. With various distillations and semi-fermentations, we just have to let Nature do Her thing at Her own pace.

I was thinking you were doing distillation extraction method.. Reminds me of organic chem. labs.. lol Hated them!! My percent yields sucked.. Don't have me making your sauces.. :-) Will there ever be a Defcon -1 is what I am wondering? LOL