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Youngest Professional Chili Grower Ever?

I wish this was my harvest but it ain't!



Well, a long picturesque prologue for a little story. One of my patients is fond of hot stuff too and he told me that there is a farm in our area where they grow various kinds of fruit and produce in the greenhouse all year long. They are local heroes for their wintertime strawberries. I did some research and today visited that farm. The twelve year old farmer's son has staked a big claim in the greenhouse and grows chilis around the year. It's all his business he has to care of all by himself. And they sell his peppers in the farm store. He was out visiting his granny so I didn't meet him in person but I talked to his mother and she told me that he eats what he grows! Respect!
I have heard of Bishop's crown but not seen one.Are they hot Al?

I have seen scotch bonnets and that is a weird one if it is a scotch
I have heard of Bishop's crown but not seen one.Are they hot Al?

I have seen scotch bonnets and that is a weird one if it is a scotch

The ones I picked from Meadow View Farms were mild. Nice flavor... all, if not most, of the heat was in the center.

Got seeds if you want some :)

KUDOS to the youngster!

Always love to hear of a young person getting something going in a good direction!
Sounds like that young fella is off to a great head start in his noble pursuit of growing chile peppers.

Maybe one day he might end up breeding his own version of 'The World's Hottest Chile Pepper'.;)

He labeled these as scotch bonnets. I looked them up and saw that you might be right and that they are bishops crowns. I didn't have personal contact with that boy so I don't know where he got the seeds from.