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kitchenware Your favorite kitchen knifes...

We recently re sodded our back yard.
And the sprinkler mains got covered over.
mrs. blues made me go and find them.
I knew where one was sorta kinda and marked it.
I had to cut and dig through the sod and the top soil that was also laid down.
Tora Sirupate Kukri.
The right tool for the job.

Dicing an onion.
Slaying a dragon.
Digging a hole.
Its all good.

Love the one you're with.
Muckyai said:
That's almost as bad as the guy that covered up my doorbell with siding...
Thats a pretty good one.
One year Bud wanted to remodel one of his crew cabins, a side by side duplex.
We found the usual crushed beer cans and porno mags in the walls.
And then.....
We discovered that the bathroom fart fan vented into the other cabins bedroom.
We howled with laughter like mad dogs!
We ended up leaving that the way it was.
True story.
I have a variety of knives. These are my daily drivers. The top one is an Oenida which I named the Chickenhawk because its size and shape are just right for cutting up a chicken. It's great for general purpose use. The cleaver is my usual vegetable knife. I seldom actually swing it as a cleaver but I like the way it gives clearance  for my knuckles when I'm cutting vegetables.

This little birds-beak knife (Schnabelmesser) is very sweet for cutting and cleaning out peppers. I normally use it with the blade facing my thumb like this.

Then, there is MANUFACTURE STAINLESS which is an excellent cleaver; it will go right through a chicken to spatchcock. . I got it because long ago my sister got a similar knife for a Chinese cooking class and I saw how handy they are.

And then, there is Dexter. It is very sharp and I am actually afraid of it.

I'm surprised that I still have all of my left hand.
I have a 5 or 6 (or 8?) year old version of this offset serrated knife from wusthof.  It's used in our kitchen every day.  On everything from bread to squash to tomatoes to meat to - well everything.  I have certain knives I use specifically for tasks like slicing/boning raw meat or for mincing herbs, but the offset serrated type knife is hands down the best all around kitchen cutting tool.  In my opinion of course, and please note I am not being paid by wusthof either.  ;)

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At my library, I have my eye on a book about knives but right now it's part of a display. I flipped through it quickly and it looks like it has a lot of good information.
Found this incomplete set (Missing paring knife) with knife block for 10 clams:
L.C.Germain, Rostfrei edelstahl, acier inoxydable, fine stainless steel (now we know how to say stainless steel in 2 other languages lol), Lifetime Cutlery, Japan.
Voodoo 6 said:
Found this incomplete set (Missing paring knife) with knife block for 10 clams:
L.C.Germain, Rostfrei edelstahl, acier inoxydable, fine stainless steel (now we know how to say stainless steel in 2 other languages lol), Lifetime Cutlery, Japan.
That fork ain't just for poking with.
Or assisting a knife with carving.
Its a fantesticle tool.
For sauteing and frying in a pan.
Especially for cutting chili peppers, I love the Marttiini 4" filet knife due to it's flexible blade and extremely low profile. That blade is enough to make anybody feel like a surgeon :-)
Other than that, we have started migrating away from our 27 year old Zwilling set to various Japanese knives - mostly Mac.
Ashen said:
Added a 12 " victorinox cimeter to my set today. Still keeping an eye out for a tank of a carbon steel cleaver to round it out .
I have an Old Hickory 1095 that is killer.
Unlike the link above.
Mine came razor sharp.
I also have an Esee Cleaver.
Much heavier.
And also shaving sharp.
I paid about a hundo less than their MSRP.
With 1095 or damascus.
Its mucho importante'.
To clean and oil ( I use kitchen grade mineral oil ) after use.
I use the same oil on my cutting blocks.
The Old Hickory brand has been around.
A very long time.
Their knives are cheap.
But quality.
Those both look excellent but I am holding out until I can get to the Chan chi kee cutlery store in Markham Ontario. As far as I know it is their only store outside of Hong Kong,but they have a great Rep as knife makers (Anthony Bourdain acted like going to their store in HK was a pilgrimage) and a pretty vast selection of different types of cleaver. I bought the cimeter through Amazon but really want to get my hands on some different blades before I decide on the cleaver.
I will be taking many pictures when I finally get there. Hopefully I won't need an interpreter, but I hear the store clerks are some what ESL challenged.