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powder-flake Your Favorite Pepper Powder Variety

Again, I'm here, with my daydreaming engine rolling on full auto. Dreaming about a backyard next year, and a few more peppers than this time.

I was wondering, what are you guys' favorite pepper variety for making powders? What sort of cooking do you do with them?
I made a powder using Thai (the small ones) and the standard Cayenne and I liked the results. I think all other kinds I'd probably want to eat fresh. I have thought about making powder out of my Dorset Nagas just because I have no idea what else to do with those bad boys.

Again, I'm here, with my daydreaming engine rolling on full auto. Dreaming about a backyard next year, and a few more peppers than this time.

I was wondering, what are you guys' favorite pepper variety for making powders? What sort of cooking do you do with them?
This'll sound crazy, but my favorite powder ever is from a C. Chinense out of the Asian seedbank called CO 4661 (from Trinidad).

I am not growing any this year I don't know why but my favorite powder is from Tabasco peppers. I use a lot of powder on the dinner table because I have a wife and kid.

Charles, I added as an extra some pepper powder in your seed order for you to try out.
I am not growing any this year I don't know why but my favorite powder is from Tabasco peppers. I use a lot of powder on the dinner table because I have a wife and kid.

Charles, I added as an extra some pepper powder in your seed order for you to try out.

You're awesome, Cappy. Thank you oh so much!

I'm sort of in the same boat. My girlfriend says most of my cooking tastes like pepper spray; so I've got to find ways to delaying the heat 'til after I serve her her meal.

Pretty cool though, I was actually thinking of Tabasco...
I just finished making some Chocolate Habanero powder a few days back and I really liked the results. The Chocolate Hab takes on a nutty smell and taste when dried and ground to powder, plus it's really hot as well. Well worth using for jamaican jerk seasoning and chilli con carne mixes. :fireball:
Chombo, my favourite variety to use on chilli-con-carne are choc habs, you've inspired me to try drying them this year!

The best powder I have made so far was a combo of cayenne, poblano and yellow hab.
I like all sorts of chile powders for different uses but the first powders I run out of every year are always my mild to medium Mexican and Numex/Anaheim type peppers which I use in chilis and just about everything
Gotta have my bhut powder. Ran out of last year's supply a few weeks ago and just waiting for some 2010 bhuts to ripen up. I'm also pretty stoked about making some yellow fatali powder this year as well...maybe mix it with the bhut powder to get the killer mouth burn / throat burn combo in one!
I've gone through 7 Pod Jonah powdwer here the most. Have a good chocolate and white habanero mix I been diggin too. Love blending em. Sometimes blendin a sweet and hot one gives good results. Have a Caribe and Bonda Ma Jacques mix I been liking.
Pepperfreak's T-scorp, 7-pod, and fatalii powders are damn near impossible to beat.

I hear he has a bhut jolokia powder too, but I have not been graced with a sample yet.....

I have used all the pepper powders that Patrick has sent me (mostly Habs or blends) But I think my two favorite so far are the Aji Limon powder which has replaced black pepper in ALLL my cooking. I currently have a red congo ? hab? powder that he gave me that is just awesome absolutely every where I've used it(making a lot of stew-like dishes, great in those) and next year I'm going to have to try growing those. I like orange hab powder on my eggs best, I think. The Aji Limon is definitely what tipped me over the edge in growing, I just want to have this on hand always!
Chombo, my favourite variety to use on chilli-con-carne are choc habs, you've inspired me to try drying them this year!

The best powder I have made so far was a combo of cayenne, poblano and yellow hab.

Happy to help inspire ;)

I ended up blending my Choc. Hab powder into my Chilli con carne mix as well, and it proved to add a nice robust flavour to it. First time I dried pods for powder as well.

I'm looking to do the same with some more choc. hab pods I'm picking this week, and hopefully with some Madame Jeannettes which should be ripening soon. :)
Again, I'm here, with my daydreaming engine rolling on full auto. Dreaming about a backyard next year, and a few more peppers than this time.

I really know how you feel... difference is that I know I won't have a backyard in the next couple of years!

Chilli Powder related question:

I've got some pods in the freezer from last season. Can those be turned into powder, or would the freezing/baking to dry them ruin the pods/flavour?
I have several powders and keep them in the fridge for freshness: dundicut, guntur sannam, orange hab and my blend of super chili, ceyenne and fresno(this has a nice fresh red pepper smell). Drying in the fridge I have the same blend but this time I had a jalapeno ripen and I dried 1 frozen scotch bonnet(I wanted to try a germinate the seeds and thought it would be nice in the mix).

I don't have a dehydrator yet, so in the winter I put cut pods on my furnace registers and in the summer just keep the cut peppers in the fridge and move them around a couple of times a day so they don't mold - takes just over a week to get them dry enough for the grinder.

I too have small children and a wife that thinks water left at room temperature is too hot, so I have to keep everything separate. Last night I baked chicken breast and spiced it with a store boughten roasted red pepper rub, then kicked it up a notch with some dundicut powder, not thinking I gave the dog the skin and my wife asked later, why does Sparky keep licking her jowls -doh, had to freshen Sparky's water with cold water, really cold water!
Mine is a Habanero called HOTAZEL, which I picked up locally in dried form.

Sadly the seeds are not viable, but the taste...oh man, the taste!!