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Your most pleasant surprise of 2008

I'd have to say it was the "pasilla bajio" plants I got instead of the aji red's they were supposed to be.
the chiles are very mild but has a wonderful flavor!
well I cant say 100% sure they're pasilla bajio, but they look very close to them. I plan on growing more of them next season, would of never bought or grown them before but I'm glad for the mix up.
I am growing 84 different varieties this year. Last year I only grew 7 or 8, so for me it would be very difficult to say which was the biggest surprize...I can tell you the ones I was disappointed in...definitely disappointed with the NuMex Pinata and Serrano del Sol. The pinata plants just never did fluorish for me and the del Sols were only about half as hot as a jalapeno....I love the carribean reds but all my plants failed this year..

This year was a test year to see which varieties grew best here in north Texas...I grew 7 different varieties of cayenne, 4 different Jalapenos, and three different serranos...I will only plant the variety that did best for me next year. I have ordered about 5 more different jalapenos but I can say so far, the Jalepeno Ms are the best...

If I had to make a choice, it would be the 7 Pot and Super Cayenne II Hybrid...
My Bonda ma Jacques plant was a suprise producer with a great flavor and some of my yellow hybrids too
Is the 7POT a cop-out?

I really do love it now.

The Chocolate C. Chinense was great too.

My best discovery, was that I need more mild peppers next year. The burners and super burners are great, but they pack so much punch, and many of them are so similar.

I will do some more heirloom bells, paprikas, poblano, pepperoncini, and guajillo type peppers next year.
No real pleasent surprises other than the fact that one of my Piqin peppers produced MONSTEROUSLY HUGE pods....will have to get some pics soon.
Cumari Ou passarhino they were growing with great results Great taste with really nice heat. But I have to agree japelenos are next year and also my cross peter pepper with hanoi for sure .

AJ >>>>>>Where did you get your different Japelenos from and what kind?
imaguitargod said:
No real pleasent surprises other than the fact that one of my Piqin peppers produced MONSTEROUSLY HUGE pods....will have to get some pics soon.

Those are pictures id like to see I.G :)
The best thing is that in the Southern Hemisphere we are just coming into our growing season - so we have all that joy to look forward to.
My choice has to be a mild pepper: Champion, I really love the great aroma, although there's little heat in them! ...and they look great, too!