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YOUR Must Have Peppers..........

cheezydemon said:
As I lose my noobishness, I realize that a garden full of super burners is not best:mouthonfire:. A good blend is important:).

Unlike AJ, I don't have permission to dig up the whole yard and just grow some of everything.;) I am limited to 30 plants.

My MUST have's are:

Frank's Hot Sweet
Jalapenos (I need ripe red ones to make my smoked red jap powder)

What are your tried and true? I really will take these suggestions seriously when planning next season. Thanks!!

I keep hearing about Frank's Hot Sweet. What do they taste like and/or what do you like doing with them?
I have bought my ancho powder this year and it's going fast, I use it on every chili I make, it's just sooo good! In other words: I agree, guys!
I am right there with you Cheezy now that I have totally overdosed on Nagas still pulling almost 2dzn a week Lemon Drops I have 3 plants and there are so many I cant count and the list goes on... I got caught up in the gotta have the hottest

Next year I will stick more with

New Mex Anaheims
Hot Cherry
and undecided either Fatali or Naga -
Alma Paprika
Brazilian star fish
Trinidad variety Douglah, 7Pot, Scorpion

crap its getting big again -- I'll narrow it down more --
PrairieChilihead said:
My new outlook on life is, why am I wasting space in my garden (which is very, very small, after all) growing peppers I can buy at Safeway? And they're not even costly! I can even get Orange Habs at a local produce market that's not far from my home. But, I can't get Seven Pots or Scorpions or ... you get the picture! Just my viewpoint.:)

Yeah man, that's me too. I only have room for a very few plants, and like you I can get jalapenos, o-habs, and such all the time at the store. Plus good ethnic stores for asian/mexican type stuff. So, I concentrate on stuff I can't buy locally.

Although, I ended up with like 4 o-habs and two kinds of jalas anyways..I think they multiply at night... ;)
Orange habs are my must have plant,
Tabasco-maybe not a fave here but I love the taste and the plants themselves are drop dead gorgeous.
Hungarian Hot Wax-mild heat but super fruity and tasty when they're ripened to red, very prolific.
Those are my three must have hot peppers.
Jalapenos-nice to have because they taste so damned good, but not something I'm unable to do without.

One other plant I'll never be without again are Giant Macaroni peppers. There is no better pepper I've come across that makes better stuffed peppers.

Next year, I'm hoping to add Red Savina to my list of must haves. I simply can't get enough of that habanero taste.
I've only got 2 that will make it back for sure next year.

Orange Hab

Although, this was my first year and I should have 5 next year.
right now my choices would be
orange thai (or yellow thai since its kinda the same)
jamaican hot chocolate
lemon drop/aji lemon

these I'll grow from now on, but theres several more choices I'd list but might not grow'em because I might try something else that season.

I also dont see the point in growing chiles that I can buy at the stores, most likely you'll be able to buy'em cheaper than growing them, but I also understand most likely they'll be green too.
but why not grow something you cant buy locally, IMO.
I grow lots of jalapenos because the ones in the stores here are mild, green and usually mushy, and this year there was just none available
I grow lots of jalapenos because the ones in the stores here are mild, green and usually mushy, and this year there was just none available

i like to grow both spicy and not ones. i've made many friends of friends never come over again or not trust me because i said the jalapenos weren't spicy lol. they're nice ppl really, i swear! so heh why not help em out ;). plus two kinds of poppers/chipotle-ish powder never makes me sad :D