• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

YumYumYellow's first try at superhots


First sprouts


First MH light about 2 weeks in... fluorescent worklight just wasn't cutting it anymore



Switched to HPS after 2 weeks since it seemed like very little development



Guess they were just light hungry :)

I just planted them all in the garden yesterday... taking a big risk planting 3 weeks before the frost date buuuut.... oh well, that's 3 weeks less electric!
Moving right along with your lights......Becareful not to let your peat pots dry out, I'd place those into plastic tray/flats and bottom water. The pots will wick up the water pretty quick.
If your sticking with the HPS then I'd add a fan directed at the plants if your not already using one. The fan will disperse the heat caused by the lamp. Try to move your light closer to the seedlings to prevent "leggy" plants.
The plants can tolerate warm temperatures but not direct heat. So you'll have to figure out how close. Move your hand starting from the current top of the plants towards the lamp. When your hand gets warm that's as far from the light as you'd want to place the tallest plants. Remember intense light = strong plants. A fan is a must if you decide to do so.
I have both HPS and MH, and I prefer the Halides for growing pepper plants. The warmer color temp of the HPS seems to cause broading lengths in the branching. The cooler MH lamps promote a more stockier growth habit. I've compared both pepper and tomato plants with both types of lighting and I still prefer the MH.
Good luck with the rest of your indoor prep...

They are:
Chocolate Beauties, Anaheim Chilies, Early Jalapenos, Jamaican Scotch Bonnets, Super Red Pimentos, San Luis Anchos, Purple Jalapenos, Cherry Bomb F1 Hybrids, Chipotles, Ring of Fire Cayenne, Cajun Belle, Naga Morich, 7 Pot, Butch T Trinidad Scorpion, Bhut Jolokia, Yellow Fatalii, Aji limon, aji dulce, and Hot lemon.

They were only under the light for about 3 weeks; I got it with the intention of overwintering and having a nice little attic garden when it gets cold. My parents thought it'd be wild to have a garden in the attic(plus it means i'm cleaning it out for them so they don't mind at all).
I had a fan blowing on them and the light 24hours a day, and the light still caused some burning from that height. The peat pots aren't a great fit for my dirt, it's super heavy from the virginia clay and caused some of the sides to burst.
I was having a terrible time outdoors with slugs and other random acts of god killing them off. finally got the slug problem under control and the weather turned out nice so they all got the boot into the garden.

I actually decided to switch to HPS so they would get leggy; since my plants were so far behind it would be better to grow them tall and plant them deep so they shoot roots out of the stem. I didn't take a pic but they were shooting roots into the air searching for more dirt. I've been using diamond nectar to make that root system big and healthy. :)

They are teeeeeny tiny since i planted them deep.


Your plants look like they are in the shade. How much direct sun (hours) will they get where you planted them. Will it be morning, midday, or afternoon sun? Last year, my planting beds were half under a big tree. The half under the tree had plants that we 1/5 the size of the ones that got direct sun all day. A few of them almost seemed to not even grow more than an inch or two .. but in my case it was pretty extreme. They got maybe 2 hours of morning sun then shade the rest of the day. May have been other factors at work as it was my first time growing in the ground but the difference was night and day. Maybe others who have had success growing in the shade will chime in. I just don't want the same thing to happen to you that happened to me.
Oh, no worries, yeah it's a strange spot, we've been growing there for 30 years, starting at 11:30 they get full sun for the rest of the day and has a good 30+ degree temp variance throughout the day. Peppers always seem to come in at the high end of the spectrum. My plants last year were 4-5' tall and we have a hot dry wind that comes off a 20 acre field, which they seem to love.

Actually kinda shakin' in my boots about how hot it'll make the superhots... That weird fun scary excited.
New pics! so the temp dropped about 15-20 degrees for night time and is dipping into the 30's... the people at walmart all thought i was having a giant party; nope, just making 40 greenhouses. The decomposing mulch around them helps insulate and is giving off a decent amount of heat too... need to find a thermometer and measure the temp difference.


biscgolf was nice enough to let me get a few plants from him :) Geopots are on the way for them, mini-greenhouse for now. Also got a little guardian with them. he was nice enough to give me some ground smoked superhots so i could try them, holy crap are they tasty!

Looks like you will have a great year.....lots of good ideas for others to pick up on, keep it up and good growing!
Thanks! I just had to nuke them with sevin... Caterpillars got a few of my plants and it's starting to spread. :( I hate having to use pesticides but the damage was getting way bad.

The 2ltr greenhouses make a pretty big difference, i did a little experiment to see what it was like with and without them; with them the plants are about 2 more inches over the course of a week, but screwing on the caps at night and taking them off in the AM gets to be a pain if there are a lot of them.
geopot vs. garden... i added a little extra perlite, peat moss, and crab shells to the geopot... The left is a Datil, the right is a Fatalii.
Nice grow, yum! Your plants all look healthy. Gotta love the 2 liter bottles.
Been using them as cloches for years!

Won't be long until pod pics!