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How do I post a picture?
Voodoo 6
Voodoo 6
when you click or start a topic, underneath the reply box is the attach file button. you have an option to use the full size.

hope this helps! Cheers!
I have a habanero plant I am having trouble with. I have a LED light with red white and blue lights. The plant seems to be very green, but it gets a lot of little buds and white flowers and then they all fall off. I will try to post a picture of the plant and I am looking for any helpful information because I’ve gotten a few Habanero’s off it but it seems to be regressing thank you.
First day of fall yall!
Grass Snake
Grass Snake
Today hit 100 degrees hopefully for the last time this year. Whatever made it through the summer has a small window of opportunity to produce before our average first frost in mid November.
Lucky bastard, still 2 months away from the first frost... 🙄
Grass Snake
Grass Snake
It's only fair because nothing has been growing for 2 months because the heat. We're supposed to have an unusually cold winter this year I heard.
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Eventually I plan on making a spicy pineapple Mead / or capsicumel as some refer to it. Once I get the thumb for growing white ghost or chocolate ghost pepper I think I'll use them for mead's
Can I cross a bird and Carolina reaper.
The bird peppers a hot and from the bit of checking I've done hots and sweets can cross. So im not sure if it's fruitless effort or not
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Voodoo 6
Voodoo 6
Greetings, turns out you can cross them, one example is the Pimenta De Neyde pepper

hope this helps! Cheers!
Thanks voodoo I got it bookmarked. I'll definitely check it out. Right now I ve got my reapers and thai peppers within 1 to 2 foot of each each other so im not sure if they'll cross or impart anything to each other. it was unintentional I wasn't even thinking about. When they fruit I guess I'll find out.
Going back to work after 4 weeks of holidays... it's gonna hurt! 🥴
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Voodoo 6
Voodoo 6
Good luck! it's kinda like going to the gym after breaking a leg lol.

Laissez les bon temps rouler!!!
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Since a teen died doing Paqui's "one chip challenge" recently, I just want to remind you chileheads to take care of yourselves. Have plenty of milk-based products if you aren't allergic to dairy, and *please* go to the emergency room if you're in long-term severe pain. Although these deaths are extremely rare, it's best to take precautions. ❤️
Or eat a bunch of Wally's cheap 1000 mg antacid tablets for capsaicin cramps.
Medication is also important.
Besides the possibility of IV hydration to counteract dehydration from puking, etc., what kind of "medicine" would be administered at an ER to cure pepper belly?
So... who's planning the 2024 season already?
Yep, 2023 is keeping me way too busy to think about '24 yet.
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Sure, 2023 ain't over yet but it will be in just a couple of months!
me me me me me - getting seed shopping lists organised, wish lists sorted on internet sites - oh yusssssss here we go 2024
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Really disappointed in arroz con pollo pepper (annum), they do not taste great. I will not grow them again.
Happy Birthday D3monic! Cheers!
The Hot Pepper
The Hot Pepper
Happy Birthday Netflix GIF
Awesome I’m so late but I love it!!!