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Timmmy's 3rd year

loving your photos - very nice - the BT Scorpion looks excellent

quick question - my plants have slowed down considerably in growth and only 3/18 have flowers on them yet (overwindered stuff is producing already though but these plants are not in the same position)
they're definetely happy in terms of water/PH/fertiliser (also not over watering/over fertilizing) but I'm starting to think they could be too exposed to wind and sun. Soil is a combination of different things that's producing really well with other plants like herbs/tomatoes etc. The chilli plants get direct sun from about 8am to 5pm. Live close to the ocean and there's always a breeze (sometimes gets quite ferocious). I'm thinking of relocating them all at the back of the house somewhere where the get a bit less sun and more protection from wind. Also thinking the wind may contain some salt which could be causing problems
:) The Scorp's been one of the slowest plants this year. This week it took off along with the other plants.

The scorp's showing lots of new growth


I find the plants do better when their bunched up nice and close, at least until their rather large. Up against a wall or fence also seems to yield great results.

All of my plants are rather small. They seemed to set pods far to early this year so they haven't had a chance to really grow yet after being overwintered.

Yellow 7


I'm not sure if its the weather or not but I've had significant growth in the last 2 weeks and some decent pods starting to grow. For the last two weeks I've been treating my water and fertz solution with ozone before watering the plants. I've been careful not to get this ozone rich water onto the leafs as I've read it can damage the plant. Up to this little test I had nearly zero growth on a few of the plants and now wooooooooow happy days. I'm thinking its just the recent change in temps but it did seem like a coincidence that the day after the first watering with ozone rich water I had the largest growth spurt of the season.
Looking good Timmy, I'd keep up with the Ozone treatment, as long as you avoid the foliar feed with it, by the sound of it, the plants are liking what you're doing. They look awesome too mate!!

I have two Scorps ripening as we speak and the same plant just keeps setting fruit! The plant is only small, but I started digging out a small garden bed for them today so I'm thinking all of my plants will go in the ground VERY soon with a SHITE load of worm juice and Dynamic lifter. I found a bloke who sells the worm juice for $8.00 for a liter I can't remember his 5 liter price but it's a little better than 1Lt. In fact I'll go take some night shots (if I can) and post them up on my log.
Take it easy bro and keep up the good work.


looks like I've started a bit late from what you guys are chatting about :( I'm in Sydney and right now it's crazy 14 degree Celcius morning (so weather hasnt been excellent) but my Cost Rican Habaneros and Orange Habaneros are about 6 weeks away from setting fruit. Aji Limons maybe a bit quicker but they're slowing down. Might try some Thrive liquid fertilizer or something new and see how I go. I cant quite figure out where to position 18 large pots away from the wind just yet. Might have to build some sort of wind protection...
looks like I've started a bit late from what you guys are chatting about :( I'm in Sydney and right now it's crazy 14 degree Celcius morning (so weather hasnt been excellent) but my Cost Rican Habaneros and Orange Habaneros are about 6 weeks away from setting fruit. Aji Limons maybe a bit quicker but they're slowing down. Might try some Thrive liquid fertilizer or something new and see how I go. I cant quite figure out where to position 18 large pots away from the wind just yet. Might have to build some sort of wind protection...

Slick, is that Thrive or Super thrive? If it's the latter be careful with it, plants tend to get leggy on it!
You have plenty of time slick.

I think this might be the first year I've actually had ripe pods before xmas. It seems like habaneros are the first to die off in winter so thats a bit sucky for you I guess but the best months of the year for growing are still ahead of us.

Damnn, your off to a great start Tim, what'd you???
make a human sacrifice to the chilli gods (you didn't bury the body under your chillis?)

We had a really hot blast back a few months ago and the plants flowered but didn't drop them when it got cold. I'm thinking that was a fluke.

The plants had looked rather yellow for the last few months so I've been overdosing them with calc, Mg and fertz maybe thats helped. So far I haven't been able to burn them with what seems to be high level of chem's. I had been using double strength on the store bought fertz, nearly 1:5 on worm juice and I went through a few box's of epsom salts. I had been watering every second or third day with the either for a good month or two.

But I had been doing the extra feeds for ages with zero results, either weather change or the ozone has done the job. I'm guessing its just perfect pepper growing weather at this point, except today it 100km+ winds and cold as...

I'm thinking this little Scorp's going on some toasted garlic bread with lots of tomato and avocado with some black pepper

Awesome stuff, Timmmy! Looks like you are having a fantastic season!

The plants had looked rather yellow for the last few months so I've been overdosing them with calc, Mg and fertz maybe thats helped. So far I haven't been able to burn them with what seems to be high level of chem's. I had been using double strength on the store bought fertz, nearly 1:5 on worm juice and I went through a few box's of epsom salts. I had been watering every second or third day with the either for a good month or two.
Most of my plants have become rather yellow themselves.... think I might kick up the ferts a tad myself and see what happens! All I have been relying on so far since final pot up has been the Dynamic Lifter pellets I added to my potting mix. Prior to that I was going pretty hard on the epsom salt and Triple Boost (fish/seaweed/worm) without any noticeable overdose affects or damage.

Although, in my case, I'm wondering if the yellowing of my plants is due to sudden intense heat from the sun. Gonna also look at getting some shade cloth up some time in the near future......
Thanks all :) I hope you all have a great Xmas and a great start to the new year :)

Hey Gas my plants were seriously yellow only weeks ago. I'm guessing there was some form of imbalance with the soil chemistry because I could add tonnes of Mg and the color wouldn't change. Can you have a nitrogen deficiency in soil? I have been adding some in and I think that could have helped balance things out. For a good number of years I had been keeping saltwater reef tanks as a hobby and the balance between Phos/N3/Alkalinty/Ca and Mg is so critical. If ones out then you couldn't really dose anything that would affect the other chem levels. I guess soil chem levels might work in the same way..... Something sure was wrong stopping the plants from taking up everything I dosed.

I'm looking forward to some great growth now, every plant seems to be really happy all of a sudden which is great timing as all plants except for the douglah have pods.

HAPPY XMAS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :beer:
Hey Gas my plants were seriously yellow only weeks ago. I'm guessing there was some form of imbalance with the soil chemistry because I could add tonnes of Mg and the color wouldn't change. Can you have a nitrogen deficiency in soil? I have been adding some in and I think that could have helped balance things out. For a good number of years I had been keeping saltwater reef tanks as a hobby and the balance between Phos/N3/Alkalinty/Ca and Mg is so critical. If ones out then you couldn't really dose anything that would affect the other chem levels. I guess soil chem levels might work in the same way..... Something sure was wrong stopping the plants from taking up everything I dosed.
Yeah, in my case, I'm wondering if the heat is actually affecting nute uptake. I've also noticed that some of my pods are getting black marks on the sides facing the sun which totally leads me to believe the sun is, at least, part responsible. Whatever the cause though, I hope I can overcome it too and end up with plants like yours.... awesome stuff once again, mate!

Merry Christmas too! :cheers:
Merry Choc Bhutness

Nice little pods just starting to form :) I've seen 100mm+ choc bhuts on Hippies plants so I'm aiming for greatness this season, however I have these lol They look like they have some potential
