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cotton balls

My first round of seedlings I used a Jiffy pellet w/ small heat pad setup. It worked okay, but had trouble getting chiltepins going.

I was working at a remote facility and talking about peppers to a coworker and he said he has a great setup that works great. Take a small container, put a cotton ball in it, wet it, put a seed in a pocket, cover and add low heat. I had plenty of chiltepin seeds to go through yet, so I thought I'd try it. I put three chiltepins and three santakas in one jumbo cotton ball, then put it on top of my computer monitor vents. Week and a half later, all santakas germinated and two of the chiltepins did too! putting them in a cotton ball made it real easy to remove the seedling and transplant into a small container.

One Santaka has popped out of the soil already, another is just about to. Chiltepins are still working under the smallest amount of soil yet.

Funny enough, I called the coworker up to thank him for the tip...he then said he didn't give it to me, but it was a good idea! hehehe
so long as you manage to take out the sprouts from the cotton balls early enough before they sink their roots into the cotton you're good. =D
so long as you manage to take out the sprouts from the cotton balls early enough before they sink their roots into the cotton you're good. =D

For sure. I use cups with paper towel in bottom. I got the bright idea of using those makeup pads that women use. They are thicker and hold water longer (less checking of cups). Works well, but the seeds very quickly dig in and it is very hard to get them out without damage. I think I will stick with the paper towels.

I have real cotton balls, ones with seeds (cotton) still inside them! I wonder if they will germinate? I guess they are really bolls, and not balls, but what is a vowel between friends!
