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AJs Backyard Pepper Porn Photo Tour 06-06-11


Extreme Member
This is the first big post I have done this year that includes all I am growing...

Standing at the edge of my patio looking to the left...lower tier 22 Red Savina, upper Tier 12 Billy Biker Jalapenos, 4 Wild Waco Tepins....


Looking Right at the edge of my patio...18 Fatalii


Down by the east side of the house...18 Trinidad Scorpion...hail got to these pretty bad and they are slow to recover..


Walked to the back fence and am looking south at first shaded area...20 Bhut Jolokia on left, 20 Foodarama Scotch Bonnet on right


Overwintered Trinidad Scorpions - 15


Against back fence - 30 Cayenne (15 NuMex Las Cruces Cayenne, 15 Ristra Cayenne)


along north side of "raised area" - 3 white habs, 2 rocoto, 2 Mariachi, 2 Anaheim


west end of raised area...1 Cascabel, 4 super Chili, 4 Hatch, 1 Hot Banana


North End of Storage Building...8 Trinidad Congo


West Side of Storage Building - 12 Trinidad Congo


ashamed to show this next one with all the grass...but there are 40 Brain Strain 7 Pot and 20 Trinidad Congo...


Cucumber and Squash


Tomatos...the camera was held almost 7 feet up to take this shot...


total of 260 plants this year...

after I get the mess on the west side of house cleaned up, I will post my first video of the season...

good growing all
Very VERY nice AJ..and dont mind the grass..my back yard makes yours look like turf :) Have yet to mow it even once! :)
Hope the scorps recover soon. Nice looking plants my friend and good variety. Those maters are the beast!
thanks you guys...and guess what...it is 103.2 and that ain't no FM station..that's the temp and my air conditioner stopped working last night...no one will come to check it out until Wednesday...may have to pull the travel trailer over to the house, plug it in and sleep in there...at least it will be cool...
thanks you guys...and guess what...it is 103.2 and that ain't no FM station..that's the temp and my air conditioner stopped working last night...no one will come to check it out until Wednesday...may have to pull the travel trailer over to the house, plug it in and sleep in there...at least it will be cool...

My dad is a licensed electrician in garland.....offer him some of your famous puree and he would probably stop over tonight and get you runnin! lol
AJ, that's truly a pepper container setup to aspire to...very nicely done indeed!

Thanks for sharing, for the inspiration and best of luck to you with your pepper-grow this summer. :cool:

Very nice! That back fence line looks a bit different now with all the peppers along it haha. Looks like things are going well. Can't wait to see when those puppies are all grown up and looking plump with pods. The heat is defiently starting to pick up, even with my plants getting the first morning sun up until 1pm some leaves are still getting scalded. The UV index has been intense!

Did you get any rain and hail last night around 6pm? We got slammed here with a pretty heavy rain and medium marble hail for the first 20 minutes then it was off and on the last two hours or so. Thankfully the peppers didnt not get hit to hard, the peppers are nice and snug along the fence and most of that hail blew over the top.

thanks ya'll...I love being able to piddle around and just do little projects as I see fit...this drip fertigation system I put in is the cats meow...can you say maintenance free growing? Everything is programed with how often, times to run, and how long to run (means how much water the plants are getting) and I only feed every two weeks...it is saving me at least 3 hours a day just in watering...plus saving all the water that otherwise would be runoff...

I have seen people asking about irrigation using soaker hoses and drip emitters and that is what I have...soaker hose in the tomato/cucumber/squash bed and all others on 1 gph drip emitters and all put together with 1/2 inch PVC...the only problem with that is you have to drill and tap each hole for the emitters and buy the threaded ones...and, since I have a lot of "extra" time thru the season now, I can piddle away at little stuff...

sorry...got carried away ramblin'...
Very nice! That back fence line looks a bit different now with all the peppers along it haha. Looks like things are going well. Can't wait to see when those puppies are all grown up and looking plump with pods. The heat is defiently starting to pick up, even with my plants getting the first morning sun up until 1pm some leaves are still getting scalded. The UV index has been intense!

Did you get any rain and hail last night around 6pm? We got slammed here with a pretty heavy rain and medium marble hail for the first 20 minutes then it was off and on the last two hours or so. Thankfully the peppers didnt not get hit to hard, the peppers are nice and snug along the fence and most of that hail blew over the top.


Thanks man...it will be a while until my plants start producing but I promise you this...when they do, a lot of pods will be picked...I am just plain confidant of that...judging from the past years I should have about 200 lbs of chinense and over 100 lb annuums the last week of November/first week of December...

got just a sprinkle last night at 6 or so...no hail and I hope yours wasn't too bad...my poor plants took a beating but seem to be coming back like gangbusters...
Ramble on :dance: looking at and reading about your projects have taught many more than you know :)

Very nice setup as usual... seriously considering an auto-feed/water system of some type for next year.
Just need to make it dog proof :rofl:

Looking very nice and love the irrigation system. Nothing wrong with the grass - I would prefer it since it would help shade the containers.

Question about the cayennes - they look like they are missing their bottom leaves. Intentional or just their growth habit?


Looking very nice and love the irrigation system. Nothing wrong with the grass - I would prefer it since it would help shade the containers.

Question about the cayennes - they look like they are missing their bottom leaves. Intentional or just their growth habit?


not intentional, these plants were almost composted and I decided to plant them at the last minute when I saw I had the back fence vacant..plus I found three horn worms on them the day before I transplanted them that had nearly stripped a couple of them...the lower leaves fell off because of the stress...and no water...what is left are going to be healthy plants...