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So I got into growing peppers (damn you all, im addicted now) and I went out and bought me a nice cayenne plant. This baby is just about ten inches tall which is good because I will be growing all my plants indoors (have chocolate bhuts and butch t's germinating right now). When I brought this plant home, it looked really happy after repotting it, but the next day it looked like death. Every single leaf was wilted and hanging down. I gave it a few days to recover but it only got worse so I pinched the leaves off. Now there are two tiny pods on this plant that I really want to keep, but the leaves are also growing really slow. What should I do with this plant? Cut it down a few inches and stick it in my grow box or leave it in my windowsill and let it slowly grow the new leaves? One thing to add, I go out of state for surgery on the 13th and will be gone til the 20th so I don't know how I will care for my plant and my hopefully new seedlings while I am gone.

Here's some porn, she's bare naked.
Well, first I would lose the pods... if only to speed along its recovery, otherwise the plant will put all of its energy into growing those two sad little pods.

Topping the plant probably won't do much to help in the long run, at least I haven't noticed my topped annums being any more bushy than the non-topped ones, and you probably want as much photosynthetic area as you can manage. I think the best thing you can do at this point is just wait and see. Be careful not to overwater it, as it won't need much without the leaves. I would also pinch off any flowers that develop, at least until it has a healthy amount of growth.

What sort of potting soil did you put it in? Was it sitting in direct sunlight?
I put it in miracle grow organic stuff. It was sitting on my west-facing porch when it started wilting. Guess I gotta say goodbye to the little peppers :( ill start giving it ferts with high nitrogen level to promote leaf growth. Bye bye peppers :'(
as already stated pinch those little buds off (+1 to sync). what soil and other stuff did you use when u repotted the plant. how much light is it getting and how much are you watering. just a few ideas on what might have caused it.
I have it in a north facing window (I know, not good, but my house doesn't have any south facing windows). If I top the plant 2 inches I can stick it in my grow box that will get about 66 actual watts of light. I water the plant when the soil is dry 2 inches down
docter give me the news, is it good or bad,i can take it.well we did everything we could for her and it dosent look good.docter what is it i am desperate for an answer...please.well in my 20 years of exprience i would say she only has a few weeks to live if that.waa u cant be serious .....nooooooooooo!i am deeply sorry for this but let us hope her death shall not be in vein. :rofl:
unless.unless what docter.unless we put her on ;life support.but after we do she will be in a vegitative state and must never be taken out.do it.in all seriousness u got the odd one out.i would try to keep the soil as fresh as possible and get rid of anything dead on.that will keep the plnts energy from being saped.u also could get vitamans for plants.in liquid form and soil.it might,should make a rebound.if not ,i say salvage what u can.lol
Gave it a bath of minerals today since I can't really spray it haha. It does however have new growth at all the nodes, although it is growing very slowly
I put it in miracle grow organic stuff. It was sitting on my west-facing porch when it started wilting. Guess I gotta say goodbye to the little peppers :( ill start giving it ferts with high nitrogen level to promote leaf growth. Bye bye peppers :'(

You got to lose the MG organic potting mix…its garbage. Too many members have succumbed to the same fate as what you're experience right now. Pickup some Pro Mix BX or an equivalent potting mix, you want to remove as much of the MG organic potting mix as you can without disturbing the root system. I don't think you'll see any improvement until you change out the potting mix. You may want to consider a larger pot size to.

I wish your pepper plant well!!

Good luck!!
I only put the miracle grow in the gaps between the rootball and the pot. I forget if I said it in the original post but I need the small pot so the plant can stay on my windowsill. I am having good luck with the miracle grow with my sensitive plants, they seem to love the stuff. It looks like the plant will need a good watering tomorrow or friday so I will feed it then and then see how much it grows over the weekend. Ill tell you what, for being essentially a stick in the ground, this thing is holding up pretty well

Edit: got the plant in the grow box now. She needs all the light she can get to help grow her new leaves