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overwintering Winter-Summer in OZ "Comparison" / Aussie Blabberers

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  • A muppet

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18 days for a chocolate bhut? I must be very lucky, got it without soaking less than 14 days - forget when but must have only been 9 days. My butchT scorp was sprouted within a week... I must be very lucky.
Today I noticed my Antillias Caribbean and Golden Habanero seeds have sprouted. Lovin' it!! :)

Don't know if its luck or what but well done regardless.

I have figured if I don't expect anything within 3 weeks and what ever comes sooner is a bonus. That way I don't get as impatient and also am less likely to have a dig to see if anything is happening.

It could well be that the heat in my propagation set-up is not very even as well, due to the trays I am using, I think it also could be after doing some reading, something to do with the incandescent/halogen light that is on at night near the propagation unit which could slow germination down according to that research

, Don't know but as far as I am concerned any germination is something to get excited about, will see how long the Butch T's and others take that were put in a few days ago with a few changes I have made.
Nobody likes a show-off :snooty: :lol:
Like I admitted, hats off to Neil on that one.... ;) (although, dunno if it's only Neil's or if BT's are just quick poppers in general.... as so far only ever got 'em from Neil)

Now, if I could just get ALL my seeds up in 3 days, THAT would be something to show off about! :lol:
Like I admitted, hats off to Neil on that one.... ;) (although, dunno if it's only Neil's or if BT's are just quick poppers in general.... as so far only ever got 'em from Neil)

Now, if I could just get ALL my seeds up in 3 days, THAT would be something to show off about! :lol:

Where would the fun be in that now :lol:

I was impressed with my 2 days to be honest, as I don't think I have had any type of seed sprout that quickly before... but like you were saying gas probably 70% of factors for germination rates/speed does I think come down to the seed itself for sure (arguably 100% because if the seed isn't viable it doesn't matter what you do)

How are the plants going Gas?? Any updates?

EDIT: My Aji Lemon's are really quite hairy is this normal for this Variety??
I was impressed with my 2 days to be honest, as I don't think I have had any type of seed sprout that quickly before...
Yes, that IS impressive! If I can recall correctly, I think my Aji Limons popped fairly quickly last season.... but don't remember if it was that quickly! I guess I will find out though when I plant this season's lot of 'em.....

How are the plants going Gas?? Any updates?
Plants have come to all but a standstill now that winter has well and truly hit. :( (wondering if maybe the little over-ferting incident hasn't stunted the little buggers either.... :lol:)

Also been having a rough time getting anything to germinate ATM. Managed to get my temps up and been keeping them around the 28-30 mark, but STILL having a shocker! I really don't know what's going on, but NEVER had such a hard time germinating. :(
:think: I don't remember mine ever being hairy at all.....

Got any pics of the little fellas?

Will get some pics tomorrow ... need a magnifying loupe to get some decent macro's as on my DSLR I don't have a macro lense and my other camera has a decent macro but not a super macro if you not what I mean.
Will get some pics tomorrow ... need a magnifying loupe to get some decent macro's as on my DSLR I don't have a macro lense and my other camera has a decent macro but not a super macro if you not what I mean.


No excuses, although I really want a Canon 100mm L macro. mmmm...

No excuses, although I really want a Canon 100mm L macro. mmmm...

They call that a macro but its only macro comparative with other lenses in that class. Not a true macro lens (but nice looking lens all the same) like say this

1-5x Macro

Ahh my photography obsession puts my chilli obsession to shame in terms of outlay and possible future outlay
I got this pic with a cheap ass little magnifying thingo.
mmmm trichromes :lol:

HEY MICCA, potted up what could be a pinoccio or early jalepeno yesterday into one of the air pots. Time to test the suckers out!
Also potted up a mexican tomato into one of them too so see how that goes.




I am pretty sure this is a Peach Bhut, not labeled but definantly a chinense and i only planted a couple of chinense varieties at that time.

AND rememeber before when i said that i didn't have any Cherries popped yet? Well I LIED. I found that i do indeed have a seedling of a Choc Cherry plant. :woohoo: Now waiting on the normal Hot cherry.
mmmm fruity ... we are talking about chilli's right?? :rofl: :cool:

Hey Nova what kind of pot have you got that plant in the picture in??
Just noticed possible first signs of broad mites on one of my new guys..... grrrrr! :mad:

Not positive at this stage but gonna hit 'em all with some neem this arvo anyway and play it by ear.
Play it by FIST not ear gassy!

Trip it's called an air pot, youtube it and find out what the go is!
They are meant for trees however i do grow pepper TREES! :lol: Work by making the plant produce a thicker root mass.