• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

newbie needs some help


i have 3 questions that would greatly help me to learn about hot peppers.

when i registered i swear i saw a FAQ section. i have looked many times everywhere but for the life of me i can't find anything about FAQ. is there a FAQ about this website and a FAQ about hot peppers? it seems to me FAQ should be something that has a link to it so it can be located easily. can anyone tell me how to find the FAQ? many questions i have might be answered there.

i'm confused by the scientific names i see for hot peppers. i see chinese as the 2nd word and i know that is habs and scotch bonnets and i have seen something annual or annum. i'd like to know what hot peppers are in the various 2nd names, is there a table or chart that shows this?

is there a good website for hot peppers that is recommended for reference? for instance, if i want info on say any pepper's SU, scientific name, plant size etc. i have come across some peppers today and tasted some but would like somewhere to find info about all the different peppers in 1 place.

is there a way to always see the 'options' when starting a new topic? i'm used to seeing that at other websites or getting email notification automatically in a thread i start so i can follow replies. here i forget to go to options and check off enable email notification of replies and then i have to hunt for the thread to see if any replies are made.

i probably have more questions but this is a good start.

thank you!
i'm confused by the scientific names i see for hot peppers. i see chinese as the 2nd word and i know that is habs and scotch bonnets and i have seen something annual or annum. i'd like to know what hot peppers are in the various 2nd names, is there a table or chart that shows this?

There are better ones but I don't have the links handy,

This will hold you over till somebody post a better link.

Chili Peppers

Capsicum Annuum

Capsicum Baccatum

Capsicum Chinense

Capsicum Frutescens

Capsicum Pubescens

Here is one that lists all the various species including the wild varieties:

http://www.thechileman.org/ has quite a bit of info you might find helpful about peppers.
I haven't seen a FAQ section for this forum. The way I track topics I have started or posted in is just go to "My Content" it's in the drop down box where your user name is in the top right of the page. I think you can get email notifications for watched topics but I don't use it.
Hope this helped.
hum maybe that's why i can't find any FAQ! i'll check out those links and yes all those scientific names, i need to understand them so i have a clear understanding of these different peppers and can follow discussions. this is all new to me so i'm interested in getting up to speed. thank you.