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Box From Buddha

First thanks to Josh for setting up that picture tutorial he did a while back, without it I would be lost.
These are the peppers that Buddha Bill sent me, I didn't have any bad ones at all and he even sent me a few more that we didn't discuss. :woohoo: So thanks for that Buddha. He also kept in contact with me until they arrived so thats appreciated also. I will be trying them shortly.





From top to bottom left to right
Bhut Jolokia Yellow Hab Mor.Scorp
Naga Morich Chocalate Hab
Red Savina Red 7 pot
Red Fatalii Butch T Scorp

As you see I cut into a Butch T and the immediatly got a strong fragrence from it. I had to show off my peppers to the people around me so I had one guy take a piece the size of a tip of a pen. Lite him up for a bout 10 minutes, he took chips, crackers, honey. Nothing would help. Funniest thing in the would, (oh yeah he's 63 years old; don't worry he does it all the time)


Anyways, thanks Buddha Bill for the peppers! :woohoo:

Nice box... I thought i only would say that to the wife... anyway, maybe dry a few for the powder, lasts forever, once they go S. there's no savin um... A lil powder goes a long way.
Yeah, I plan to powder some after smoking. I'm trying to stock up on them because the last powder I made lasted for 2 months. Not long enough with winter coming :).
I'll be sure to let my wife know you like my box :D
First thanks to Josh for setting up that picture tutorial he did a while back, without it I would be lost.
These are the peppers that Buddha Bill sent me, I didn't have any bad ones at all and he even sent me a few more that we didn't discuss. :woohoo: So thanks for that Buddha. He also kept in contact with me until they arrived so thats appreciated also. I will be trying them shortly.





From top to bottom left to right
Bhut Jolokia Yellow Hab Mor.Scorp
Naga Morich Chocalate Hab
Red Savina Red 7 pot
Red Fatalii Butch T Scorp

As you see I cut into a Butch T and the immediatly got a strong fragrence from it. I had to show off my peppers to the people around me so I had one guy take a piece the size of a tip of a pen. Lite him up for a bout 10 minutes, he took chips, crackers, honey. Nothing would help. Funniest thing in the would, (oh yeah he's 63 years old; don't worry he does it all the time)


Anyways, thanks Buddha Bill for the peppers! :woohoo:

Great pics man! That Butch T looks evil! :hell:
I'm saving that beast for a proper review. Today I have a family potluck so I'll be bringing the rest of the peppers there and see if anyone wants to try them :). Quick entertainment to keep me occupied and happy :D.
Thanks again BB
Ok so I have been wanting to write about this pepper for a couple days now but don't have a way of doing that until today.
A little background first. I took my peppers to my parents house for a potluck/rememberance party for my sister. When we were kids she used to out eat me with peppers (she was 5 years younger than I :shh: ) Anyways, my dad also loved peppers and would eat them like crazy. However, we didn't know anything about peppers outside of the store bought ones.
Anyways, I brought these goodies to my parents house for my dad and I to try. I had given him a Yellow Fatalii about a month ago and told him NOT to eat the thing by itself. He told me he "knows peppers" and not to worry (:evil: laugh) Alright dad what ever you say. A couple days later my mom is calling me hysterically laughing because my dad didn't listen. I guess after the initial pain in the mouth went away he couldn't stop running to the bathroom :rofl:
So I brought him these peppers and he didn't want anything to do with it. I ended up giving him half a Choc. Hab. It didn't do the same damage and he seemed to like it. An hour later he had the same problem though :rofl: :D
Sorry for so long of a story but this is where it gets interesting. Because my dad champed up with the Choc. Hab I decided to take down a FRACTION of this Butch T Scorpion


I never understood what people were saying when they said it taste "flowery" or "chemically" because its a pepper. Shouldn't it taste slightly fruity?
So I cut the half you see into a 1/3 and popped the small one in my mouth. Chewed for a while and swallowed it. The intially flavor (for give me to all the scorpion lovers) was dirt.... this could be what they mean by "flower" tasting. I have eaten a lot of dirt in my time :crazy: , but not flowers. So my usumption is that its pretty close to the same. Quickly afterwards the flavor changes to a bitterness, this could explain the "chemical" flavor as well. However, it doesn't taste like a Douglah so I wouldn't use that as how to describe it. The fact of the matter is, the heat hit me so fast that I couldn't get a full grasp of the flavor. I didn't taste anything in there sweet or fruity.
Anyways, immediatley I was feeling some heat, it got so hot I noticed I was doing the bathroom dance :dance: . I didn't really know what to do, the pain receptors were going haywire, my throat was on fire, and I had to pee. I grabbed some cheese, ran to the bathroom and went while eating the cheese. Guess what, you got it. I didn't wash my hands prior. :censored: :censored: I was litterally on the floor crying from the heat and the shear agonizing pain from fire jock. I stripped myself naked (still eating cheese) jumped in the shower and took a cold one. No it didn't help if thats what your thinking. It took 25min for the heat from mouth to stop burning (finished the cheese in 5), and an additional 30 minutes for the joke fire to subside. My dad loved every minute of it, and with people that had only met at that time it was rather embarssing. Here I am acting hard for total of 5 minutes followed by acting like a pansy for an hour. :tear:
Hope you all enjoyed this story,
Hahaha......taste like "dirt".......smells or tastes "earthy" would be a better phrase,

but,... I know exactly what your saying
As far as the "Butch T's" I like to break them open and check out the scent, that seems more florel than the taste, which is very rough...
I grow them but have only sauced them for the extra heat, I've tried them raw, but the heat seems to over power any pleasent after taste.
If there were any...only my opinion
Hahaha......taste like "dirt".......smells or tastes "earthy" would be a better phrase,

but,... I know exactly what your saying
As far as the "Butch T's" I like to break them open and check out the scent, that seems more florel than the taste, which is very rough...
I grow them but have only sauced them for the extra heat, I've tried them raw, but the heat seems to over power any pleasent after taste.
If there were any...only my opinion

Haha, thanks PIC 1. Much better word than dirt! :) sorry for that I'm not very colorful with words. As far as sauces, I recently made one (today in fact) that I used these things in and of course it increased the heat, but truly added to the flavor. All the ingredients (except the carrots) were fire roasted and it seemed to work well.

Wait, that's what's funny? :)
And thats why I follow the rule, If I handle peppers, I do not handle my junk with the same skin afterwards. I either cover up when I handle one before or the one after........
"they had one thing in common they had the fire down below" :rofl:
everyone loves a good fire jock story, weve all done it once, once!
ps thanks for sharing aaron
"they had one thing in common they had the fire down below" :rofl:
everyone loves a good fire jock story, weve all done it once, once!
ps thanks for sharing aaron
Glad you enjoyed the story. I've learned my lesson with these peppers. If you have to go and you just popped a super you have three solid options.
1. Wear a glove
2. Seek help so you can go
3. (Not recommended) hold it, but not with your hands. :)