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Capitone's Pepper Diary - 2011 Grow Season

Been meaning to do this for a while now. Just a few blurbs on 2011's growing season. Better late than never. :)

Foodarama SB: Vigorous, short bushy. Grew out large lush leaves as seedling. Not a fan of too much food. Let it's early start sibbling the Fatalii beat it out on pod production but has since started a respectable amount since being moved to a shadier area. Really nice sized pumkin shaped pods developing too as of 6/13/11. Monster plant strecthing (not in a spindly way either) in all types of directions. Decided to string up a bit to make more compact. Loads of pods on it taking there sweet az time to ripen up! lol. The process seems to have finally started though after half dose feeding as of 7/11/11. **2nd set of pods starting up. The plant itself is a freakn MONSTER. It was knocked over twice by Irene. 8/29/11

1st Pod - small dwarf, green, still pretty hot and more Scotch bonnet notes to it than any Plant I've grown to date
2nd Pod - yellow/orange, dwarf too but little bigger than 1st one. Noticably sweeter but the SB flavor wasn't as "in your face" as I'd hoped a ripened pod would be. still leaves a very pleasant SB flavor in your mouth.
3rd Pod - yellow/orange, bigger still, not quite a dwarf but seeing whats setting on the plant now, definately not full size either. Shared with Mom and T. Hottest to date, sweet pod with a good SB after taste but again, no wafting SB aroma when opening.
Remain Pods - this thing is mature, but i still don't get what I want. An after taste kind of SB. Really reminds me of a very fruity orange hab. heat is low IMO, but gave Rich this and TFM, said TFM had no heat while this one was hot so go figure. The supers have GOT to be messing with my tastes.

Bottom line - Real monster of plant. Pod production was adequate. SB flavor was there, but not what I was expecting. Probably won't grow next year.

TFM SB: little slow to start but eventually bushed out pretty good. 1st set of true leaves were really large and lush. This one grows a little more straight up than out to the sides like the other SB's. Producing a decent swath of pods as of 6/13/11. **Been a major producer, best of all chinenses thus far production wise. On it's 2nd run now even has I'd say a 80% good sized pod starting to ripen. Got hit the hardest by irene, i couldn't tell you how many times she got knocked over. A branch snapped with about I dunno...maybe 5 or so pods of varying size on it :[, still plenty left on the rest of the plant though. 8/29/11

1st Pod - Ripe orange odd pumpkin sort of shape was for the most part a dud. Sweet flesh, low heat (though messing with the supers could account for that) very faint SB flavor. Dissapointed but waiting on other pods. Trini P did a full 360 why not these.
Remaining Pods - most are growing what I'm coming to call a TFM bell mushroom shape. Definately more SB flavor to these than the FS and I feel it's hotter as well. Dying to try it in a jerk.

Bottom line - Good producer. The most SB flavor of all all SB's grown. Also has a very faint nuttiness to it's profile that I like. Nice consistently shaped pods. Will grow in 2012

Jamaican SB: Been with Mom since before season start. Uprooted once on attemp to pot up, loss about 70% of original roots. Thought it might die, but nothing doing. Re-aquired plant in May (needed more sunlight) and it initially glazed over with a silvery hue on 40% of leaves. Sun scold. Didn't drink much water either. Placed in shaded area till it got used to sun. A month or so later, it's more than doubled it's size, lanking out really well with a number of pods growing on it in direct sunlight. Very thirsty plant too. 7/11/11 *7/26/11- still a thirsty bastard, but it's really kicked out the pods. Really amazing the turn around on this thing.

1st pod: BIG dissapointment. Very bland, not as sweet as Fdrma or TFM and even less SB flavor
2nd pod: Same deal. ironic the one with "jamaican" in the name is the sorries of the bunch.

Bottom line - Most dissapointing of all my SB's. Granted, this plants been through some things but I dunno. Don't plan to grow next year.

Fatalii: Good grower. Bushed out really well, on par with the fooodarama. 1st plant I noticed aphids on. Didn't like too much food and took the dosages a little harder than the SB's did. Showing signs of lower node branch out. Despite short stunt in growth, it's surpassed all of the SB's in pod production and is a really nice looking plant as of 6/13/11. All of the pods have fully ripened. (about 12 - 15 total), 7/26/11 guess you can call it a 2nd harvest thats producing, but technically it's really a 3rd if you count those early start pods. Not looking too bad. **went through sort of a 2nd cycle of pod production thats sort of phased into a third. I must of pulled maybe 14 or so pods off it. Did notice about 3 pods that had a dull greyish tint to them. Upon opening they were bad. not sure why as some just finished changing color. tossed em and the other pods don't seem worse for wear. This 3rd cycle of pods may be the biggest yet. irene knocked her down twice too and she's in my biggest pot. 8/29/11

1st Pd - Green, dwarf. Very interesting SB like flavor. SB flavor with a little "something else" that I can't pin down.
2nd Pod - Orange/yellow, more pronounced SB like flavor and a piercing heat that lingers for quite a while. This thing leaves a wonderful flavor in the mouth long after consumption. Love this thing.
3rd Pod - Orange/yellow not quite full size bet definately no dwarf. Didn't get a chance to try this one, gave it to Mom. Heat drove her mad, lots of milk, a little lemon juice, some peanut butter....didn't cut it, so my guess is it was pretty dang hot. lol
4th Pod - Green but 1st full size pod that I've pulled from plant for a sauce I was making. Surpisingly when I opened it up, the aroma wasn't really as "in your face" as the the 1st two were.
Remaining - Pods have ripened up and all are hot with good flavor, good aroma too so color does matter it seems.

Bottom line - Hands down my favorite in 2011. The closest to what I remember real Scotch bonnet being like of all my plants. I've used it in more recipe's requiring SB's than the SB's themselves! Great producer. A staple for any garden.

Scorpion: Took forever to sprout. Almost 3 months. Not a fast grower but very pretty and squat plant. Shot up like the 7 pod April/June. Waiting for pods to set. Pods setting, all have stingers thus far (bout 5) but skin is smoother than 7 pod and pod shape not as compact. 7/11/11 *7/21/11 1st pod that popped is about 80% red.
1st pod: Reminds me of a Bih with less flavor to it and not as hot.
2nd pod: same deal.

Bottom line - It was nice to grow but didnt' really stand out compared to my other red supers. Would take the Bih over this any day. Not growing in 2012.

Trinidad Perfume: Shot upwards at first then began to spread out like a cone. Always maintained a light shade of green as compared to the other plants. Bountiful flowering. This thing really like sto kick em out! Low pod output however as of 6/13/11 One (the oldest) finally ripened this week too. Sort of cherry shaped. 2nd oldest Pod (gave to Pop, still light green) was long habish looking. All others since look like there going to be shapped like the TP's pictured online. Spintop mushroomy shaped pods. **3rd round of peppers are much smaller than 1st two cycles. Not sure why, could be all types of reason. 8/29/11

1st Pod - Mega dissapointment. Matured to a dull orange, tasted like a red or orange bell pepper. No SB flavor in site.
2nd Pod - 7/11/11 VERY pleasant surprise. Next to no heat (very very faint burn) but definate SB profile! Though it is kinda weird to have this flavor with no heat.

Bottom line - Was really dissapointed with this plant initially but the turn around was amazing. Would grow next year, but I lost the seed! Will grow again probably in 2013. My 2012 list is already too crowded with curious contendars.

Bih Jolokia: Started of pretty slow, Experienced some yellowing and upward curling leaves for the better part of it's seedling stage but never actually looked burned, so don't know what thats about. At about a foot tall its shade of green deepened. Less leaves and a little more spindly than the others but looking like a pretty strong plant. Showing signs of lower node branch out. Nice amount of peppers on it too as of 6/13/11. couple fully ripe as of 6/25/11. Plant on it's 2nd flush of pods 8/29/11

1st Pod - Reminds me of an orange hab in flavor with the heat of a chocolate hab. Burn starts really slow though and stays for quite a while. Flavor IMO isn't worth the burn. May dry and see if that changes.
2nd Pod - turns out the light orange/red color wasn't fully ripe. 2nd pod was a nice dark cherry red. Flavor was pretty dang good! Makes the burn worth it.

Bottom line - Very nice pepper. Good producer. Makes awesome flakes. Will probably grow in 2013.

Red 7pot: started off really well like the SB's and fatalli. Grows a little more straight up than others too. 2nd plant I noticed aphids on and this was indoors. Once polinated, Pods grow to full size quicker than any plant I've seen thus far. Pods are a good size too as of 6/13/11. Shaped very much like a text book Trinidad Scorpion. Gnarly pebbled skin. On it's 2nd round of pods. More are coming up than the 1st time. **All my plants got a beat down from hurricane Irene, this was the only one that didn't fall over though (really big rock weighing it down). 8/29/11

1st Pod - Lesson learned from Bih J, I let this one ripen to a nice deep red. Aroma surprisingly SB like! Not a lot, but it's there. Burn was good but IMO not as fierce as the Bih J. Put in pot of neck bones, awsome addition. Might keep this one around next year.

Bottom line - Wonderful red pepper. 2nd favorite plant for 2011. Definate for 2012. Good SB like undertones. Just wish it produced more pods. May happen with a bigger pot!

Lemon drop: Fast growing plant, but spindly and thin. May be normal for baccutums. Has thikened up a bit around the main stem so it is looking less spindly and is Packing on quite a few pods as of 6/13/11, *7/26/11 had some green ones fall off the plant for no reason i can figure. Still at least 30 or so pods on plant of various lengths and flowers are still sprouting. Doesn't seem to like too much water, so letting this one about wilt between waterings works well. Pods as of 4 or so days ago finally began ripening as whole instead of just 1 or 2 pods at a time. **this one never really had any noticable stoppage of production, since it kicked out it's 1st ripe pod, production has been conitinuous. Squat, major lean to the side kind of plant. This may have helped it from being knocked around to much by Irene. 8/29/11

1st pod - Very slight lemony/citrusy flavor. I dunno if it's all that great to be in next years line up though. True yellow color though. Gave other yellow pod to Mom. Will let remain pods ripen longer to see if my impressions change.
2nd pod - 7/26/11, didn't let stay as long as I was planning but paid more attention to flavor. Almost pineapple like taste in background, but there's soapy kind of note there too that I don't really care for. Pretty hot, just below a hab I'd say. May taste better dried. we'll see.

Bottom line - vigorous plant, great pod production, but the taste doesn't really do it for me.

Link to 2011's grow posts:

Early starts - http://www.thehotpep...__fromsearch__1

Grow log - http://www.thehotpep...070#entry466070
That was the plan, but found out late Dec that my holy grail of seeds weren't where I remember puting them. :( ....that said, my list has changed a slight bit and will be missing some of my rarer seeds such as the TFM SB.....

Got my first batch of new seed from Pepperlover yesterday. I expect to start seedlings this weekend!
That was the plan, but found out late Dec that my holy grail of seeds weren't where I remember puting them. :( ....that said, my list has changed a slight bit and will be missing some of my rarer seeds such as the TFM SB.....

Got my first batch of new seed from Pepperlover yesterday. I expect to start seedlings this weekend!

Seeds usually find a way of reappearing....one way or another.

If in need send me a pm

Ha ha, it would be great if they did but im not holding my breath. I'll probably have my entire 2012 line-up in pots over the next two weeks. We'll see if they show before then. :)

Thanks Greg!