closed all order,s placed with be shipped thanks

free seed these,s are 2011 seed fresh send sasbe to tobbie alford 34 lee road 626 opelika al 36804 i will ship to any one that replys. thank you and happy gardening i have 4 oz,s giving them away. send a stamped mailer is best 220 packs to give away i have 2000 tepin seed i will send 25 seed untill they are gone. i will be shipping usa only i would like ever one to have some i will ad 2 more oz,s 220 packs to give away this offer will end on 8-1-2012 thanks im working a lot of hours at this time on two farms i will not have time for???thanks i hope you understand.setting up for 2013 in 99 deg+ heat.
Free is good!! I'm in. Will get a SASBE in the mail tomorrow morning.

Thanks for the offer.

What a generous offer! I would love to take advantage of red bhut seeds. Will send SASE in tomorrow's mail. Thank you so much.