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Well, it's been known for a long time that the Naga DNA tests showed it to be an interspecies hybrid, mostly C. chinense with some C. frutescens genes. My 7Pot Primo is a cross between the naga and the 7 Pot.

Now, to know just where the peppers of the world originated from? I think impossible. Ethnobotanist suggest that since the highest concentration of pepper varieties grow in South America, they orginated there and then spread through trade via the Spanish. So, to conclude just where a pepper comes from, you would be studying history and not science.

Hmm, nagas are a different kind of pepper than the Trinidad sorts. I'm not sure why you mentioned them. I'm aware that they are interspecific hybrids. I have interspecific hybrids in the works as well. I love your Primo! I know about it being crossed with a naga (naga morich in particular?). I've been considering crossing it with a bhut jolokia for a more naga flavor (love to know your opinion on that).

I'm persuaded that they originated from South America. I read all sorts of literature about peppers, not just scientific. However, you would still be studying science by investigating the origins of peppers. Such an investigation is best done with interdisciplinary studies.

All right. So who will be the first to pay a lawyer to sue these guys? I'd just like to see how far it goes. It'll be the greatest botany related trial in the history of the legal profession! I'd love to see a Supreme Court ruling on this.

I wish I was being sarcastic, but I would really like to see the federal government spend tax dollars disproving the "hottest pepper" claim.

You're going down, Pepper Joe!

Yeah, the legal threats are far out there, lol.

How many people are looking to prosecute Bonnie Plants for labeling a fatali "the world's hottest habanero" this year? Any takers?

I've been wondering this!

Maybe it it the worlds hottest habanero.

Who cares......we are discussing the the World Hottest Pepper.

I been in public service for years, protecting the public....it is a job....I do it to support my family.

Carry on

They've been selling fatallis as "The World's Hottest Habanero." The same logic about the world's hottest pepper should apply to it. Why is it less significant?

Edit: I haven't served my country via the military. I wonder if that makes what I say less valuable!
They've been selling fatallis as "The World's Hottest Habanero." The same logic about the world's hottest pepper should apply to it. Why is it less significant?

Because fatalii aren't even habaneros. You could only charge them for being careless and/or stupid
Man am I glad I missed this thread! So ol' Pepperjoe is at it again eh? Good for him. Come on you guys, let this die. PJ loves this! Stir the pot some more, get more links to it, get more people pissed or excited, That means more sales and more money in PJ's pockets. Got to hand it to the guy he does know how to get the excitement level up.

So what if it is or isn't the hottest? You don't think there are already half a dozen, at a minimum, folks out there right now with the next hottest pod? Anyone wanna bet? Grow what you want, don't grow what you want--who cares?!?

That is all. :P
This whole thing reminds me of a time, about 25 years ago, with cycads. A man was able to buy the entire crop of seeds from Taiwan of a cycad that is now named Cycas taitungensis (formally C. taiwaniana) His company got a trademark name and called it "The Emperor Sago" They claimed it was more cold hardy than the King Sago (Cycas revoluta) and that you could not find anyone else in the world with this new Emperor sago. The problem was that there were plenty of Cycas taitungensis plants in cultivation, but until you did some research and found out that the same plant was somewhat readily available, you would have to buy from them. It worked out that they had found someone in Alabama that tested the plant to single digits and it stayed alive, but the problem with the plant was that the leaves burned off faster, or at a higher temperature than the regular king sago.
To the homeowners, they got a plant that lost all its leaves faster and to them it wasn't more cold hardy. The claims also said they grew faster, but the ones grown in shade and/or not pumped with fertilizers, grew slower than the revolutas. Then, it only took a few years for the rest of the world to figure their plants were the same as the others in dozens of nurseries. The plant stopped selling in any quantities at all, and the place went out of business. From what I hear, the millions of dollars worth of parent plants got bulldozed for what will be a housing subdivision.
Sometimes, you have to do your advertising in a way that is direct and not beat around the bush on the facts, because when the customers find out they were taken advantage of, they will go out of their way to not do business with you ever again. I'm not saying this is happening here, but this whole controversy reminds me of that situation.
I just got my seeds in the mail and they are planted. If these taste great and they avergae hotter than my average Moruga (which is what I take from the sales info), I will be happy to have it.
Got to hand it to the guy he does know how to get the excitement level up.

Yeah, he considers himself a marketing genius. I disagree, the people who always want to grow the hottest pepper would have bought a pack of seeds anyway, those who don't care about superhots won't buy them regardless of how long this thread gets. The only situation in which he benefits from this mayhem is when the pepper turns out not to be the hottest after all...
Oh my, this thread is getting better and better! - I've run out of popcorn three pages ago. Now we've started playing the "I'm a veteran" card? - Seriously? Is it time to start counting down to the first holocaust-analogy already?

Do I lose points for responding, or does he lose points for bringing it up? It's getting harder to keep score. :P
Well, he's said it is stable which means its over F8 at least.. But is your primo pepper patented or anything? Liek the genes and not just the name?

Plant patenting is a whole world i ahvet gotten into yet lol..

BTW I have yet to try a primo lol still gotta find a couple of those evillooking pods..you did a good job making them

I've heard from many reputable growers that his F jumped to 8 rather fast.... No I did not patent. I'm not monsanto, but maybe I should have tested sooner. I went years without testing....thinking a test cost $20,000! ha You snooze you lose.

Easy way to put this to bed - didn't Primo post something about a lab that was recommended by NMSU that will perform tests for under 50 bucks? Aren't there pods floating around out there in 'reviewer's' hands?


Definitive, unbiased, third party analysis

Not that it matters that much, I'm looking forward to growing some next season based on the reviews that have been done thus far :)

Yes.... Southwest Bio Labs. Recommended by NMSU. Independent Industry Tester. $46 dollars and all you need is about a gram of powder.

I challenge people to send in their 7 Pot Primo's and Carolina Reapers. Just please give me credit for the variety and I will totally share the accolades to the grower.

[font="Arial""]Michael J. Swickard[/font]
[font="Arial""]Southwest Bio-Labs, Inc.[/font]
[font="Calibri""]401 N. 17th Street Suite 11[/font]
[font="Calibri""]Las Cruces, NM 88005-8131[/font]
[font="Calibri""]575-524-8917 ext. 1002[/font]
[font="Calibri""]or direct 575 528-5323[/font]
I've heard from many reputable growers that his F jumped to 8 rather fast.... No I did not patent. I'm not monsanto, but maybe I should have tested sooner. I went years without testing....thinking a test cost $20,000! ha You snooze you lose.

Yes.... Southwest Bio Labs. Recommended by NMSU. Independent Industry Tester. $46 dollars and all you need is about a gram of powder.

I challenge people to send in their 7 Pot Primo's and Carolina Reapers. Just please give me credit for the variety and I will totally share the accolades to the grower.

Michael J. Swickard
Southwest Bio-Labs, Inc.
401 N. 17th Street Suite 11
Las Cruces, NM 88005-8131
575-524-8917 ext. 1002
or direct 575 528-5323

Well, I dont habve any primo seeds but im gonna be growing some reapers this week (sowing) so Ill have winter/early spring pods indoors to send in along with my bhuts that i might want tested and possibly my other supers ill be growing soon as well...
Scott Roberts Interview with Ed Curry and Pepper Joe about the Hp22b Carolina Reaper

I've heard from many reputable growers that his F jumped to 8 rather fast.... No I did not patent. I'm not monsanto, but maybe I should have tested sooner. I went years without testing....thinking a test cost $20,000! ha You snooze you lose.

Ed was talking about growing it for 8 years in a podcast interview that recently came out. I guess we got misinformation on how long it took him to get to his 8th generation.
I am going to try to get to the bottom of this for everyone's sake. This is not taking sides in any way this is beneficial to everyone and should cut to the chase.

Joe, is there proof of the SHU rating of said tested pepper as in copies of lab results that you are going to publish, or Guinness certification and/or lab results that you are going to publish? If so, when and where?


Are the results to remain unpublished and the numbers in the press release are the extent of your release of information regarding SHU of said tested pepper?

Please let us know so the bickering can stop and members can buy/discuss based on proof or trust.

Thank you!
I've heard from many reputable growers that his F jumped to 8 rather fast.... No I did not patent. I'm not monsanto, but maybe I should have tested sooner. I went years without testing....thinking a test cost $20,000! ha You snooze you lose.

Yes.... Southwest Bio Labs. Recommended by NMSU. Independent Industry Tester. $46 dollars and all you need is about a gram of powder.

I challenge people to send in their 7 Pot Primo's and Carolina Reapers. Just please give me credit for the variety and I will totally share the accolades to the grower.

[font=Arial"]Michael J. Swickard[/font]
[font=Arial"]Southwest Bio-Labs, Inc.[/font]
[font=Calibri"]401 N. 17th Street Suite 11[/font]
[font=Calibri"]Las Cruces, NM 88005-8131[/font]
[font=Calibri"]575-524-8917 ext. 1002[/font]
[font=Calibri"]or direct 575 528-5323[/font]

Here's the thing... People in FL get multiple seasons because of our temerate weather... Which means that in theory, one could have about 2.5 seasons per year... Grow it out, pick the first pods, plant the seeds and repeat....

Granted Ed hasn't been growing in FL, however he talks in a few places about using greenhouses and so forth, which in a milder climate like SC (here in NC, we are forecast to get about an inch of snow this year, and everyone is freaking out about it - worst winter in 50 years blahblah)...

That said, I too have heard conflicting information about how many years its been grown out for... Ed says 8, PJ I think said 3 or 4.

Either way, with the ability to grow multiple crops per season, it wouldn't matter which of the two numbers were used.
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