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The Last Great Pizza Thread

'Bout time we had a thread for all those that make their own dough and sauce. Too many good cooks on THP to let something as magnificent as that king of foods, pizza go unnoticed on this forum. This thread however comes with some rules to post...

1) Make your own dough and post the recipe. Thin crust. Whole wheat. Foccacia. NY or Chicago style. Naan....your choice!

2) Make your own sauce and post the recipe. Red. White. Olive oil w/ garlic. Whatever gets your mojo workin'!

3) Mandatory that it brings teh heat. Habs. Serrano's. Bhut's. T-Scorps. Fatalli. Hot sauce's and puree's will qualify. Using wimp sauce's such as Tabasco Brand or Franks will
be ridiculed with extreme prejudice and boooooed heavily!

4) Toppings can be anything. Pepperoni. Avocado. Greek olives. Pulled pork. If it came out of the ground or walked, swam or crawled, its all cool and the gang!

5) Bake them in the oven on a sheet pan. In cast iron. A pizza stone. On the grill. Got a wood fired pizza oven? Have mercy!

6) Pics are mandatory! Anyone can talk smack about it but put up or shut up. No pics? It never happened and ridiculing and boooooing will follow. Capiche?

Alright ya'll, lets get it on.....
Here's the 550 degree pizza. Bell pepper, chicken apple sausage, sun dried tomatos, red sauce, pepperoni.



Crusty! :dance:
Nice LDHS.

Stupid question #472 for today: Whereda' hotnessess at?

I had a nice assortment of sauces to use. The last of my Unlucky Squirrell 7-pot Jonah sauce, the new "Wildfire" from Redtail/Redhawk Premium (it was goooood) and some Sweet Spicy Girl from Davez Foodz. I also used a smidge of my LDHS Orange Label on a slice.
Quiche ain't pizza! What the hell?! Someone needs pizza lessons.

School him Scove.

I'd like to see LDHS post that quiche in here. :lol:
This ain't no quishe hombre...
I know this because I didn't get DQ'd from the TD.
In fact. I won this one.


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Aight... Let's clear some stuff up.

Quiche is baked with a mixture of eggs and stuff.

Pizza has cooked egg added as a topping. in my case on top of the Chipotle/Hollandaise sauce, and under the Sausage, Ham, Bacon, Onions, B.O., Pickled Peños and Cheeses.

As for the P.O.L., No one has $2.25 just layin around in the middle of a Methow Winter.

Oh, and by the way LDHS, Your open faced Calzone looks awesome!