Root Pouches--More Evidence That They Work!

Transplanted my ~2 month old ghost seedlings that have been growing indoors in 1 pint root pouches (they're now in 2 gal. RPs). I've kept them under 5000K T8 flouros and 4000K CMH bulbs, on 14 hour cycles so they've been doing well. Top watered at first, but I have over 35 seedlings in pint RPs inside so that got old after a while. I've been bottom watering them in the baking tins for the last month so I'm sure that helped draw the roots down too. Also, each time I water I throw in 1/4 strength fish emulsion.

I <3 root pouches!

Note: These are 3 different plants. I did notice that the roots sometimes were way denser on one side. I figure that was due to one pot sitting against another so it stayed damp on that side longer.
Stupid cheap. I think I got 25 3 gallon ones for $35 and 10 5 gallon for $18.

I got a 15 gal, 10 5-gal, 25 2-gal, and 25 pints for about $50 shipped. And I had to pick up some plastic labels to get to that level! I did have to wait a couple months as they were out at the time ordering but well worth the efort.
FYI... Taste and Scoville Heat Units have nothing to do with each other.

as you were~

FYI, you're wrong.


taste . . .

11 . . . to perceive or distinguish the flavor of anything.

If it doesn't have enough Scovilles, I can't perceive it.

Now go and do something useful with your time. Thanks for "contributing" to the thread :rolleyes:
Are you really going to take that stance on a pepper forum?
Scoville Heat Unit is the measurement of heat, that's it.
Even peppers at the 100,000 SHU's have different flavors, similar SHU's but different flavors.
The different' SHU's do not contribute to the different flavors.

Pure capsaicin, as in Pure Evil, (over 1 million SHU) has zero taste.
On the contrary, a Poblano has 1500 SHU, and is damm tasty.
So for you to say taste doesn't begin until Habanero or Scotch Bonnet, makes you look foolish.

You're welcome.
...dang, where's my popcorn at?

Heat is heat. Scovilles measure heat.

Flavor is flavor. Hot and mild peppers both have flavor. A yellow brain strain reportedly has about the same Scoville rating as a Red Trinidad Scorpion. They have dramatically different flavor.

I'm with Scovie - Scovilles have nothing to do with flavor. You don't taste hot - hot burns you. If anything, the more Scoville Units, the more impedence to flavor as it burns your taste buds.
I didn't mean to jack your thread but a comment like "Taste begins at 100,000 Scovilles" on a pepper forum is just begging for comment.
I hope we can call a truce and you keep coming back to THP. If it makes you feel any better, I'll report myself. lol
This is now a semantics thread and i want in. The question is whether piquance(sp?) is a flavor. The dictionary says it is. Therefore those of you who are saying that taste and scoville units have nothing to do with each other are wrong. Sweet is a flavor and salty is a flavor. I can say flavor begins at 500 ppm of salt. Now clearly there are other flavors but there is the implication due to context that I am referring to the flavor of salty.
World English Dictionary
piquant (ˈpiːkənt, -kɑːnt) &mdash; adj 1. having an agreeably pungent or tart taste
.... notice piquant is a taste via the english dictionary which is the language the poster used. Making an off topic comment about someone's tagline serves no purpose. You were wrong and even if you were right these things aren't intended to be perfectly literal. Most of language is implied. That is why when we have conversations we don't repeat the object and subject over and over again. You're welcome.
Again, I am sorry Double Burn. I really hope this topic can continue.

Bad Scovie.

So these root pouches you speak of...
I would seriously be interested in them for tomatoes and possibly cucumbers.

Man I feel bad.