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Is this normal for Anaheim Peppers??

OK, I haven't ever grown Anaheims before, so I am not sure if this is normal for them.
None of my other peppers have anything like this going on.

These were started from seeds from an heirloom seed company.
Out of 13 youngsters, all of them show some of this "bumpy whatever it is"
I poked at it, and it is definately solid plant matter.
Other than the "bumps" the seedlings look very healthy.
It really looks like roots trying to form, but has me concerned a little bit.

So if anyone knows about this, I would love to find out.

At the base of the stems is the area of concern.....


On the second photo, it really looks like root nodes trying to grow out...

They are roots trying to form, as far as I understand, roots will grow out all the way up to the cotyledons.

Wow, fast reply!
Thank you!

I suspected (hoped) that might be the case, but was a little worried it was something on the sinister side of things.
maybe I should bury them up to the root nodules when I transplant them, and take advantage of it?
I definately will, not that I know they aren't contagious mutants from mars....lol

Funny thing is out of all the peppers on my grow list, these are probably my least favorite variety,.
However, my dad gave me the seeds, so I think he was looking forward to me sending him some...lol
I have to say I am soooo relieved....Last night I was reading about someone here having a terrible virus rampaging through their peppers last year, Then today noticed the bumpy stems.....
My mind was running wild with apocalyptic pepper scenarios...LOL
I had a huge tomatillo plant that was like that all year.. Huge bumps of roots came out all over the place even when they were no where near ground. It was odd by end of summer main stem was bigger then my thumb and looked all lumpy and diseased but it was a sturdy plant that produced well.... Hopefully your pepper will produce well for you.
I had a huge tomatillo plant that was like that all year.. Huge bumps of roots came out all over the place even when they were no where near ground. It was odd by end of summer main stem was bigger then my thumb and looked all lumpy and diseased but it was a sturdy plant that produced well.... Hopefully your pepper will produce well for you.

Speaking of tomatillos, I sowed some on valentines day, and 2 are hooking and peaking out of the soil :)

Nice. It's just hardworking on its roots!

And it is all 13 of them!!
Yup, roots. Looks fine though, some plants even grow aerial roots at the base of branches, but that's mostly on succulent plants. I wouldn't worry too much about those types of cases, but as far as the base of the plant, sure, a little more soil for a little more roots, means a little more nutrition and water retention for the plant itself.