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hybrid What Pepper Cross do you wish existed?

I think everyone would like early superhot producers!
This year I've high hopes on Spicegeist's Maya Red x Carbon Bhut, great germination rates so far ;)
Also every Chiltepin cross catches my attention!


I would like to see a fatalii/ yellow 7 cross.

I did that exact cross in 2011 and grew out F1 last season... I've given F2 seed away to a few people on here so we should see some pics come summer time...

Check out this thread:

Just checked and I still have F2 seed from this cross... let me know if you want to grow it...
What I'd like to see is any cross suggested above after it's been grown out more than a couple seasons and hawked as a new strain because a couple seeds from a couple seasons F whatever looked the same.

These days if something grows for a few seasons and looks similar it's called a new strain.
Seeds are traded and sold as new stuff when it's really a crap shoot as to what you'll get from what seeds.

Isolating plants means little these days as the seed stock isn't at most times pure.

I wasted a lot of the little space I have to grow peppers lately on stuff that wasn't what it was supposed to be.
Lots of seeds from pods people bought at a premium then trading the seeds before they grew them out.

I've grown too many peppers in isolation only after a few years for whatever it was to show it wasn't stable.

See posts about 7 pot long,Kitchen plant (7 pot SR)that I've made.

7 pot long was a 7 pot I got from Chris as a generic 7 pot.
I was given a lot of crap about just calling it a 7 pot - way back when(years ago).

It grew long ,bumpy ,super hot pods for several seasons and so did the seeds from isolated plants.

I don't remember how many seasons it SEEMED to grow true but it decided to never grow the same after a while.
Can't get the same pods anymore even from my isolated seeds.

The 7 pot SR seeds I got did the same thing,but at the time I got the seeds I think the variety was still being developed by CARDI ,though it was latter traded and sold as a stable variety once it hit the internet(not by who I got the seeds from).

My kitchen plant was 7 pot SR that grew smooth pods after several isolated seasons.
Still Hot but not like the first 4 or whatever seasons I grew it.

I remember when people debated as to if there was a difference between 7 pots and scorpions since both looked the same-tails hadn't been developed yet(selective breeding etc.)


I wish the seed and pod sales market didn't rule these days.
$ has taken over along with people wanting only the recent super duper hot.

Too many people lost their quest to find EVERY pepper variety grown on the earth and traded it for cashing in on the latest super,whatever sells or is something they can brag about or whatever.

I miss the days when chilehead was an addict to finding as many chile varieties as they could from all over the world.
Not looking for hybrids in general.
Though people like SBS (the late Scotch Bonnet Steve)and others DID try and breed strains that would grow in short season places and or were more productive or whatever.
Steve did it for free,not to gain anything but to spread the heat and make the stuff available to people who couldn't grow certain peppers in their short season or whatever.
He had a quest for a 3in+ habanero(Demon Hab.) and to make several short season varieties.
His Cherry Moon was a Large Cherry pepper that after several years grew short seasoned,great tasting Cherry golf ball peppers.

I miss the days of people spreading around seeds from different places that were Heirlooms,wilds ,landrace varieties or whatever.

Ya these guys were on the ground floor spreading the 7 pot Jonah and Jonah scorpion.
The first of each that I knew about.
Then came Chris's Morouga Blend and the SR stuff about at the same time.

Kind of sad that Hybrids rule these days,though I do see a slight resurgence in growing stuff for taste rather than heat.
I see a lot more interest in wilds too along with landrace and Heirlooms.
Wilds are trying to get a foothold but the care involved growing some of them makes people stay away.

I do see guys wanting to grow out new crosses ,possibly with the intentions of getting a stable hybrid.
I just wonder if with the prices some vendors are getting for crap seeds if they will actually go through enough generations before the internet decides to sell it for ?$ or whatever no matter what it is.

I don't have anything against guys developing hybrids.

It's just that few people in general are not into growing stuff from point A to Z.

Too many people claiming 4 seasons in isolation is enough.

From experience that doesn't work a lot of times.

IF I wanted to make a hybrid that I considered stable I'd do 8+ seasons to make sure it was what I wanted it to be.
I wouldn't have to grow them out myself,lots of people could grow my seeds in different places and it wouldn't be hard to get 8 generations in 4 seasons as long as the people who grew out the different generations isolated the plant.

Just my point of view,worth exactly what you paid for it.
I don't have enough experience in all these pepper strains to make a call but all the above all sound great. It's my understanding that the Italian organization AIPES does a lot of the mix and match for crosses (like I said something a lot of people don't already know) along with varous knowledgeable people here on THP.

If someone has grown a lot of peppers over time and wanted a challenge or out of just plain curiousity, I could see experimenting for fun and challenges. After that I guess each their own. I know I'm not even close to being at that step. I enjoy reading the ideas of others of what crosses to come up with along with thinking what they would look and taste like. Never heard of the NAPPP before but I think that is a great idea also. :)
These crossed



With almost any smaller hot pepper and being stable...

There is a large difference between calling something a cross and advertising stuff that isn't stable as a new strain or getting non isolated seeds that you still call by the name they are supposed to be.
When it grows something different they call it as a new variety or strain.
Most times stuff is crossed with who knows what and called a different strain rather than an unknown cross if it grew the same from more non isolated or isolated seeds for a few seasons-if that.

I have limited garden space.Part for pure stuff I know will grow true , part for crosses or whatever.
I get pissed of when my garden ends up being 2/3rds+ wierd stuff that is nothing like what it is supposed to be.

That's why my garden this year is mostly C.Pubescens and a few of Vladans F2 and F3 crosses.
Hopefully one of my White Manzano seeds grows true...if not I should have a boatload of light yellow to yellow Manzanos..