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Joe, you have always been (and always will be) a stand up guy in my book. Unfortunately, you can never make everyone happy all the time.

USPS has really turned to crap over the last year but even more so in the last six months. USPS has damaged or lost 5 of my shipments in the 4 months.
OK....This saddens me :(

For a guy that gives seeds away to tons of people (Including Me), and asks nothing in return......
Also For a guy that signs every post and message with "Your Friend Joe"....

Any ill treatment of you is uncalled for!!

I don't believe for a second that, as generous a person as you are, that you shafted anyone.....ever....

Send that fellow, that falsely accused you, out here to visit me, and I will happily bury them alive under the mountain of tumbleweeds that I cleared off the fencelines this weekend!!!

Seriously, don't let them get you down. It sounds like the only one getting screwed over is you.

People can be greedy, scandalous, and liars....You my friend are none of those things!

I think we all know you and your reputation are shining through.

And by the way, thank you so much for the Wild Brazil, Peach Bhut and Surprise Hot Mix Seeds!! (They have all three germinated nicely)

Your Friend Chris
thanks Chris sometimes i guess it takes a bad situation to truly see what people really think about you

im not as much quieting because of this guy but even more because i just cant trust the post office anymore, over my way they really suck!!

thanks Chris you made me feel better

your friend Joe

Joe, you have always been (and always will be) a stand up guy in my book. Unfortunately, you can never make everyone happy all the time.

USPS has really turned to crap over the last year but even more so in the last six months. USPS has damaged or lost 5 of my shipments in the 4 months.
thanks dan and sorry your getting messed over too
i wish this guy would see this post and see the damage he has caused by his false accusation

your friend Joe
Most of my income is from orders for my glasswork on my website.
I only ship priority mail with tracking/delivery confirmation, because of stuff like this.
And they seem to not lose anything that way.
The cost of shipping is a little more, but seems to be worth it.

Shoot, with those small flat rate boxes, they include the tracking now.
I think it is up to $5.80 or something like that. (I need to update my shipping fees since I charge $5 still lol)

The bigger seed vendors seem to charge about that much anyway, so maybe if you keep selling seeds (which I hope you do) just charge for the priority mail. The boxes are free too :) And you can fit a gazzillion seeds in one of those small boxes!!

You can scoop up a stack at the post office, and can even pay the postage, and print the label for the small ones, right from home.

Just a couple things to consider :)

Your Friend Chris
Most of my income is from orders for my glasswork on my website.
I only ship priority mail with tracking/delivery confirmation, because of stuff like this.
And they seem to not lose anything that way.
The cost of shipping is a little more, but seems to be worth it.

Shoot, with those small flat rate boxes, they include the tracking now.
I think it is up to $5.80 or something like that. (I need to update my shipping fees since I charge $5 still lol)

The bigger seed vendors seem to charge about that much anyway, so maybe if you keep selling seeds (which I hope you do) just charge for the priority mail. The boxes are free too :) And you can fit a gazzillion seeds in one of those small boxes!!

You can scoop up a stack at the post office, and can even pay the postage, and print the label for the small ones, right from home.

Just a couple things to consider :)

Your Friend Chris
good idea i will keep it in mind

thanks your friend Joe

Joe,,I have been watching you give away seeds for years starting way back at GW.
Your reputation is gold among us chiliheads

Many people have benefited from your generosity,,,It would be a shame to see one order bring that to a halt

thanks your right and i will take this also under advisement

its nice to be remembered that far back it was 2009
just when you think no one is watching LOL
thanks your friend Joe
Don't let it bother you.
Everyone selling anything will run into the ocasional A-wipe.
Brush off the stink and forget about it.
Should someone post some bad review, there are hundreds that will dispute it.
i thought you all may have wanted to see this so here go's
this is the actual email he sent me

Still nothing over this way. Same system, different addresses, one common denominator. Im getting seeds from everyone else just fine. There really isn't any other way to put this, so I'll just say that I feel like I've been shafted. Im glad it was for only 10 or so bucks and stamps, but Im still a bit surprised. Never saw this coming. 1st time in my 5 years with THP.

You really do seem like a decent enough guy, but Im not into pretending and I had to get that out.


name withheld just in case and besides i dont want this to become a witch hunt
this is total crap and you guys and gal know it

thanks your friend Joe

Don't let it bother you.
Everyone selling anything will run into the ocasional A-wipe.
Brush off the stink and forget about it.
Should someone post some bad review, there are hundreds that will dispute it.
Another option Joe. We ship our seeds parcel post with tracking. 6x8 bubble mailer with tracking is $2.97 anywhere in the US. You just have to be sure to put something else in the mailer to make it thicker than 3/4" to satisfy the USPS requirement for a "package". We use balled up newspaper or paper towel.

Things still get lost, we still replace everything the USPS loses, but it is much easier to calm a frustrated customer when you can prove the postal carrier is at fault.
Hey brother! I would suggest you send them UPS or Fed-Ex. The Lord favors a cheerful giver and your heart will not allow you to stop now :)

no my Friend i didn't say i was going to stop giving, i am going to stop selling, im still going to help other im not letting the enamy stop that from happening


I sent a friend fresh pods last August as a surprise, just to show him the kind of stuff i was growing, and he didn't get them for over a month and i had to tell him not to eat them because he might get sick... USPS is crap. I can send a letter or package, air mail to my girlfriend in Denmark and it only takes 5 business days. pretty positive that's only because i live next to the international mail hub and it gets out of the hands of USPS super quickly.
Sorry to hear about that Joe. You shouldn't feel bad because of somebody else's mistakes and incompetence. I say keep on selling, you have excellent seed stock and are a stand up guy; everyone here will back you up on that.
Another option Joe. We ship our seeds parcel post with tracking. 6x8 bubble mailer with tracking is $2.97 anywhere in the US. You just have to be sure to put something else in the mailer to make it thicker than 3/4" to satisfy the USPS requirement for a "package". We use balled up newspaper or paper towel.

Things still get lost, we still replace everything the USPS loses, but it is much easier to calm a frustrated customer when you can prove the postal carrier is at fault.

Tracking is great because when it has been delivered the website says it has.
There is no disputing it at that point!!
And they can't really say anything :)
Joe, i bought seeds from you 3-4 times and they always got here a couple days like 2 after you sent them never had a problem with anything you shouldnt give up just cause one guy had a problem. P.s. The seeds i did get from you germed great and all are growing really good think about it joe you should quit selling the seeds just cause of one person.

Don't take it tah heart Joe You Know The Truth and thats all that counts, all the support from your Brothers and Sisters on here dosen't hurt either.

I've received nothing but great service and a great product from you. I am planning on stocking up for next season. You were one of the first people that I thought of. ... keep your head up.

Hey Joe you can't take things personally in business, "The customer is always right" is hard for some people to practice, especially when you know the customer is wrong, and that you will take a loss to make the customer happy, but that's business man. Maybe it's not for you... maybe it is, but you need to be prepared for such things. Good luck.
Ajijoe has not only sold awesome varieties for almost nothing, he has given so much more away for free. His kindness towards me, I will not forget. Told Joe last year that I would be paying it forward from the varieties he give to me for free. When I talk to my chili brothers and the name The good Joe ;) comes up...we are talking about you, the only Joe I or my friends will do biz with. Couple days and you feel better about the whole thing. Got a box with your name on it, coming to you in June Sir! Take care my friend. :)
Ajijoe has not only sold awesome varieties for almost nothing, he has given so much more away for free. His kindness towards me, I will not forget. Told Joe last year that I would be paying it forward from the varieties he give to me for free. When I talk to my chili brothers and the name The good Joe ;) comes up...we are talking about you, the only Joe I or my friends will do biz with. Couple days and you feel better about the whole thing. Got a box with your name on it, coming to you in June Sir! Take care my friend. :)

Quoted because that is worth reading twice! :)