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  • It's like mama nature is trying to make up for all the nice weather we've had these past two months, all in one day. If you're in it, be safe!
    It's a night off - no work, no working out and going to bed early. So very appropos to be kicked back with a roast in the oven and a bowl of Don in my hand. Yes, a bowl. It's a small one, but a bowl nonetheless. It's been a long time, so glad to see you again...
    I guess I'm committed; I just placed my CCN order and it was much larger than I intended it to be.
    Atta girl.

    I was planning on scaling back this year, but I ended up planting 216 cells...
    they turned me down maybe b/c I said it was personal use?
    216 cells, mm, you'd better be going commercial with your jelly!
    I used to not mind taking my car in for service. Past tense. At least this time theh problem showed up before I even left the parking lot, rather than a week or two later.
    Puttt puttt varooom roooom
    This was more like: schhh ... schhh ... schhh ... as the wheels turned. What the... ? Yeah, I live in salt city.
    I have another order that's taking a grand tour of the country. It started in CA and is making the grand rounds - including coming into and leaving this state twice already. Next time I take a vacation, I'm going to send myself as a package and see what I can see. It's cheaper than airfair and gets to more places.
    AJ Drew
    AJ Drew
    Isn't tracking great?
    Weird dreams are weird. Ok, that's stating the obvious, but when you have a REALLY weird one twice, it's just WEIRD. True story.
    Maybe you were just dreaming on a deja vu.
    The medication I take gives me weird damn dreams all the time. Should start writing them down and send em to Hollywood. Gotta be better than all the rehash crap they put out nowadays.
    I'm no Buddhist, buuut... is it possible that a butterfly dreamed it was you, twice?
    Whoo-hooooooo! FINALLY!!!!!!!! Yay!!!!!!!!
    After roughly 6 months of frustrated working at it, I can finally swim fly correctly again. Only now I understand it much better - much better. I started swimming it correctly Monday, but was taking it easy. Last night, not only was I able to repeat it, but I was able to keep it while going race speed. I am so looking forward to the next meet!
    And Jeff, sweetiekins, heck NO! LOL
    The Hot Pepper
    Dude, I was JOKING when I said "hamburger helper"!!!!!!!! I can't eat this swill! At least I have some fresh fruit in the fridge. Oh geesh...
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Never knew what that stuff really was. A seasoning packet for not making hamburgers?
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Date gone bad Geeme?
    Chiles and annatto (achiote) were just made to go together. The aroma coming from the slow cooker makes me want to eat NOW, rather than wait until tomorrow. But I know it's even better after being allowed to sit in the fridge a while, so I'll wait.

    To all in N.E.Ohio, there's a new taco place just opened on southeast corner of Mayfield and Lee, called San Diego Taco Factory ( Chef trained in Mexico. Just had lunch from there. As someone who grew up in Texas, I give this a "H*ll YEAH". Meaning I highly recommend it.
    The Hot Pepper
    The Hot Pepper
    Looks good. How are the cod and carnitas? And carne asada?
    Just happens that I got one each of cod, carnitas and carne asada! All were very good. I ordered as-is off the menu to give them a first try. The cod taco was absolutely stuffed and I don't know that I'd bother making any changes to it in the future; it was excellent that way. The others had excellent flavor but I wanted more to go with the meat than how they came. BUT I'll note that my son may have played a role in that since he went to get them.
    The Hot Pepper
    <<< Too addicted to Chipotle.
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    <-- Like HotHead Burrito more.Better sauces.
    Thanks for mentioning that, Jeff. I'll give it a try. I see there's one in Mayfield that's fairly close. Still... there are two Chipotles within two miles of my house - one at one mile, the other two miles in the opposite direction. Almost too convenient!
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    I know. There is more Chipotle near me too so I go there more often but I still prefer Hot Head if given the choice.
    Factoid: Not everyone can smell asparagus in urine. A particular DNA set is a strong indicator of who can and cannot. I can only hypothesize, therefore, that a certain DNA pattern also determines if one can smell the EVIL in BP. ;o)
    Burning Colon
    Burning Colon
    me + asparagus = nose pollution.
    LOL - eviler.
    And no to angel food; chocolate, carrot, spice... nothing white. Wait; sponge cake is good. Most of the time I take a pass on cake, anyway.
    Jeff H
    Jeff H
    Why waste calories on cake when there is beer around??
    The rest of the concussion symptoms just need to go away. Still, I'm grateful it wasn't any worse than it was.
    Nope not infected. Hit the back of my head and had a grapefruit sized lump at first, but no open wound. It seems these heal much more slowly. The blood oozes out like its a big blister. The hair slows the healing as well.

    Grew up in Annapolis on the water and spent a lot of time swimming and boating but could never manage it competitively. I would start down a lane and end tangled up two lanes over. Ouch, I feel your pain.
    Ouch as a swimmer I've been there gimme!! :) that's the worst, feeling your close to the wall and
    Bang!! Glad to have a competitor in the Fall Guy awards!! :)
    You know, it's not smart to treat people badly if you need help from them on a repeat, on-going basis. So yeah, I enjoyed what happened today rather immensely! Nice that it took no effort on my part!
    Hope everything is ok geeme!
    Yeah, everything is ok. Better than ok! Someone at my client's office resents the heck out of me and keeps trying to make life miserable. Only thing is that everyone else has her number, so every time she does BS, they toss it back in her face. So it's really amusing to watch the whole process.
    Hahaha nice!!! Just making sure we don't need to activate the chili head's action team!! No one messes with THP!! :)
    If you experiment as much as I do, you accept the failures as well as successes. Failing is one step closer to success. But sometimes the clean-up after a failure is just mind boggling... Ugh!
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