Recent content by menotume

  1. menotume

    Korea 6- now 11 may have (10) some extra spaces.

    I've only tried the Ggwa Ri so far. 6 out of 6 germ'd in 5 days. :D
  2. menotume

    Korea 6- now 11 may have (10) some extra spaces.

    I got a very colorful package from Korea today with a bunch of seeds in it! Thank you Bootsieb.
  3. menotume

    soil Bulk Soil Mixes Thoughts

    Good ingredients for sure, but it all depends on the ratios. If it's 90% topsoil for example, it would be bad for pots.
  4. menotume

    butch -t plant nsw australia

    Why it's just a stone's throw away from West-North-East, of course!
  5. menotume

    wanted Free Isolated Serrano Huasteco Seed with SASBE

    I love Serranos and would like to try this variety as well. I don't have any of the ones you are looking for, sorry :( PM sent
  6. menotume

    seeds Seed caps?

    Right. Having the seeds under a little 'dirt' keeps moisture on the cap so it can come off by itself. I've just started a new technique for my starts. I germinate with the paper-towel method. Once the tails pop I put the seed in a small pot with peat (just put it on top). Then, I sprinkle some...
  7. menotume

    Another guess the number Lotto - closed - # 60 won

    Thanks for updating the numbers Dan.
  8. menotume

    Redtail's 2012 seed list (a work in progress)

    RedtailForester aka Pennsyltucky Seed Bank
  9. menotume

    Another guess the number Lotto - closed - # 60 won

    107 Thanks Smokemaster.
  10. menotume

    Trinidad Scorpion White

    Muahawahawaha, I couldn't resist! I also could not find any info on TS Whites, good luck on your search.
  11. menotume

    Trinidad Scorpion White

    I have orange habs, interested?
  12. menotume

    Trinidad Perfurme....

    TAM Jalapeno has some heat. PM me if you want TAM seeds :)
  13. menotume

    What would you pay for plants?

    I bought mine from a local garden center for 99 cents each. They had about 10 varieties of hot peppers, no super-hots. All of there tomatoes and peppers are 99 cents. The plants were about 6" tall in a 2 1/2" square pot. Check out CCN for their selection ... $2.00 and $2.75 each if you pick up...
  14. menotume

    chinense Arnold Schwarzenegger eats a Ghost Pepper

    Very nice, here's one for you ...
  15. menotume

    You're welcome. I saw that you offered seeds to other people and even paid for international...

    You're welcome. I saw that you offered seeds to other people and even paid for international postage!