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  • Hey man i just packaged your dried pods up and will get the out today, soz for the delay matey.
    I wish my Nagas were ripe too but they are slow. I will probably make a second round to you with some rocket fuel naga shine too. 100 proof 5 ounce woozie but that will be a little while.
    Fatalii, Scorpion (red/brown), Yellow congo, Choc bhut, Douglah, Serrano. Howz that sound beachmaster?
    You gronk! Don't give your addy via public messages! Well i wouldnt anyway. Cheers Princess ;)
    hEY pRINCESS I NEED YOUR ADDY! I have some dried pods to send YOUR WAY :hell:
    Nah just get some dirt and throw the little seeds of death in there. They will do the rest ;)
    Hey Paul i was just looking through my chilli patch and saw a ripe Douglah. I picked it and cut the sucker in half to dry for you, there is placenta everywhere and i think the pod wants to kill you. There are many seeds in the pod too THAT YOU SHOULD GROW!
    You don't actually eat Defcons products do you? I hope you just collect them!! :rofl:
    Here you go buddy
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