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  • poke! Too tired to make a beer run and what we have to drink doesn't appeal to me. But the chicken is almost ready!!!
    Everyone seems to be on good behavior. I'm here to change all that!!! You have to work on winning back the tiara.
    ok yeah.. you're right.. i will continue to post :) i just like to talk is all :D
    im not posting in any forum now till my average drops and yours rises :D (i'm hoping visitor messages dont count!)
    boooooooooooooo youuuuuuuuu.. why you trying to divert your post escorting attention over to me!! booooooo
    Paulkyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Whheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,, Hahahhahaa hey man thanks again for those mash cd's i cant stop watching them :rofl: Hope you had a good trip home mate ;)
    It wasn't the only one.It is the only one I mentioned.
    I can't sleep which means I'll be passed out allday and not from drinking!
    The spelling police are going to ride your you know what. You spelled habbit with two b's like rabbit.


    I guess that means the nuns are gonna smack you with a ruler.
    Don't you ever get off the internet? Aren't you in flight by now? Just bored and yanking your chain. Have a good flight.

    Have a few extra drinks for me!!!!!
    lol... i'm off.. i'm smashed and need to get some sleep!!! have fun!!!!
    Yeah man they work sweet as. I had to ask mel for help and she told me about DIVX.
    I have already watched two episodes :D Thanks heaps Paul you rock mate!!
    Hey yaaaa, gues what....

    I GOT THE CD'S TODAY :D :woohoo: Now i can annoy my housmate with endless re-runs. :)

    Thanks heaps for doing that for me Paul, i really appriciate it.
    Your pods should be getting to your door pretty soon i would imagine, how is customs over there? I tried to make the parcel look as boring as possible so it should be alright.. :cheers:
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