Search results

  1. xcphantom

    TBI recovery grow log

    Hey everyone, I am starting a grow log to help encourage me and help me manage my new executive dysfunction troubles. This past May, I was assaulted and robbed and suffered my 6th tbi, nerve damage in my c6, and a torn shoulder labrum. I am still recovering from the injury. And I have a lot of...
  2. xcphantom

    free Free mystery seeds but........

    So I have some mystery seeds that fell out of their packs. I grow so many varieties that I have no idea what they are, but most likely are varieties of chinense, annum, and baccatums. So private message me and I'll hit you back up. I should be able to send quite a few packs. Only catch is you...
  3. xcphantom

    Casper's Impulsive Collection Revival Glog

    Welp you guys made me do it. Some of these varieties are of 4 year old seed. Wish me luck! I have many varieties that i started that I couldnt get again and they will be overwintered. I'll be purchasing plants for the garden tomorrow. Hoping some of these germinate so I don't have to hunt for...
  4. xcphantom

    breeding 2016 Hybrid Projects

    So unfortunately, I was unable to grow plants this year. My big thing I would do when I start is hybridization. I was wondering what projects others are working on. There's gotta be some good ones. Something I wanna do is Cross a really big variety of bell pepper with some super hots and...
  5. xcphantom

    It's been awhile

    Hey guys,  Some of you may remember me from 4 years ago. I'm Casper, or xcsports. I was the young kid who participated in a bunch of the chats. I lost my account info and my old email information that I used for my old account so I thought I'd make a new one. The last time I logged in was July...
  6. xcphantom

    music any metal heads on thp?

    are there any other metal heads here and if so what type of metal? hardcore? alternitive? christian? dark? im more into numetal and alternitive metal and a little hardcore im into FFDP, Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, linkin park and a few others. post some metal bands you like and a link...
  7. xcphantom

    wanted looking for 7 pod brain strain yellow :)

    Hey guys im looking for a few yellow brain strain seeds ill offer some peach bhut jolokia seeds in exchange for some :)
  8. xcphantom

    Alex's Grow Log 2012

    Hey guys I'm gonna do another grow log hopefully this one isn't a fail like my past two lol I am waiting on a few packages in the mail and then the real growing will start :) heres what i got growing so far :) If i forgot to list someone who i got seeds from im sorry Yellow Trinidad Scorpion...
  9. xcphantom

    wanted looking for 7 Pot Chaguanas, Jonah yellow, and Antilles Fire :)

    Hey guys I'm trying to finnish getting as many superhots planted before mid march and I realy want these varieties in my grow list this season :) I dont have much to offer since i had a failed harvest last year all i have to offer is seeds from 10 no 11 seeds sorry :( heres what i have to offer...
  10. xcphantom

    hot-sauce aji joe the seriel killer BEST HOT SAUCE EVER

    i was at the bowers pepper fest and talked to aji joe he gave me a sample of his infinity pepper hot sauce it was the hottest sauce ive ever had it was the hottest sauce at whole fest it made my mouth fall off and nearly made my insides explode i'm still in pain cant wait to eat my jar i bought...
  11. xcphantom

    xcsports's grow log 2011

    ok i know i started late but this is what i started so far 7 Molhos 7 Pot 7 Pot Barrakpore 7 Pot Brown 7 Pot Douglah 7 Pot White 7 Pot Yellow Aci Sivri Aji Bolsa De Dulce Bhut Jolokia Bhut Jolokia Chocolate Bhut Jolokia Lemon Bhut Jolokia Orange Bhut Jolokia Peach Bhut Jolokia Purple Bih Jolokia...
  12. xcphantom

    how do you grow 200 varietys on a quarter acre of land

    i was wondering how everyon does it and half the land is in the front yard i have too many varietys but not enough space help me
  13. xcphantom

    Count to 10,000

    heres a game i remember off of other forums we basicaly count from 1 - 10,000 its easy just put the next number in but you have to wait until someone else post the next number I'll start 1
  14. xcphantom

    wanted wanted Habanero XIXIXI

    i would offer peach bhut jolokia for this variety if someone has it i am trying to get to grow 100 varietys this year but only have 80 something pm if any available
  15. xcphantom

    wanted Trinadad scorpion butch 7 pod douglah wanted

    i want both of these varietys willing to trade peach bhut jolokia for some peach bhut jolokia is a new cross from my friend its crossed between orange and lemon bhut jolokia here is a pic
  16. xcphantom

    trade 2011 trade

    well now that its July i think everyone has had a few ripe pods and that be getting more around august so i know i'm not the first one asking for next season so just tell me what you have and i can trade i'll give you my list as the season goes on pm me for current list
  17. xcphantom

    wanted C.ceratocalyx wanted

    Does anyone have it i recently heard about it and would love to have some
  18. xcphantom

    wanted Africansk brown cayenne peppers wantes

    does anyone have it and maybe want to trade i also am intrested in the brain strain 7 pod, sweet pickle, cumari do para, c. galapagoense, and habanero xixixi. i have for trade cayenne golden ring of fire singapore chilhuacle negro wiri wiri wild brazil thai red caribean red habenero long...
  19. xcphantom

    my first hot sauce

    well i just finnished making it and it was hot 6 habs ,pinapple, cayenne powder, and some brown mustard is hot there are also some secret ingrediants in it
  20. xcphantom

    xcsports grow log 2010

    Well i dont have a working digital camera but i thought i would start one since i am gonna try growing my plants in pots indoors well my first pepper i transplanted wer 3 Tangerine Cheese sweet pepper plants about 5 inches tall. i wanted to do more varietys in diffrent pots but the others were...